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Default formation in #dbpickup

Posted: 19-10-2003 01:12
by Goldeneye
as i don't have the time to complete the todolist of db_pickup too soon, (and by that also the free configureable formation) i was wondering if people want to change formation to 1-1-3 (i.e. keep-sweep-3 free).

Posted: 19-10-2003 01:21
by Requiem
yep, as sweeper is always the problem, 1-1-3 is a good idea, then players don't lose time asking in teamsay "who sweep?"

Posted: 19-10-2003 01:35
by GazMaN

more times i join as a def only to get the other def saying "you sweep" , just cos they wanna goalhang and cant defend!!!

Posted: 19-10-2003 01:56
by speedy
GazMaN wrote: idd!

more times i join as a def only to get the other def saying "you sweep" , just cos they wanna goalhang and cant defend!!!
then say no bitch you sweep noob ;)

Posted: 19-10-2003 08:45
by BurntLeaf
Yeah, but I fear 3 goalhanger position. Add "M" back in?

Posted: 19-10-2003 09:54
by GoldenGun
BurntLeaf wrote: Yeah, but I fear 3 goalhanger position. Add "M" back in?

idd :) !add m

Posted: 19-10-2003 11:31
by R3L!K
so maybe 1-1-2-1 is better?

Posted: 19-10-2003 12:12
by GoldenGun
yep :)

Posted: 19-10-2003 12:57
by Goldeneye
R3L!K wrote: so maybe 1-1-2-1 is better?

well, already thought of that too, but i don't want to have too many different positions, as that way your chances to miss positions you'd like to play is much bigger. sure if everyone goalhangs we could switch to 1-1-2-1, but first i want to see how 1-1-3 works. hm, also i might add a rule that disallows goalhanging a whole game long, without any try to help out in defence.

Posted: 19-10-2003 13:05
by NaB
thought ppl were already getting banned for that..

Posted: 19-10-2003 13:20
by Goldeneye
sure they are, sometimes at least, and adding that as written rule can't hurt, can it?

Posted: 19-10-2003 13:54
by Wibble
I'm not to sure about this, as it may make things a little too inflexible. I've played in plenty of pickups where I've split the sweeping duties 50/50 with the other defender. It may be that this will just give an excuse to the other defender not to defend as much.

Having said that, in principle I think its a good idea. It may just require more strict application of the rules.

Posted: 19-10-2003 14:06
by Cenotaph
GazMaN wrote: idd!

more times i join as a def only to get the other def saying "you sweep" , just cos they wanna goalhang and cant defend!!!

same situation here :confused:

Posted: 19-10-2003 15:00
by fro
Wibble wrote: I'm not to sure about this, as it may make things a little too inflexible. I've played in plenty of pickups where I've split the sweeping duties 50/50 with the other defender. It may be that this will just give an excuse to the other defender not to defend as much.

Having said that, in principle I think its a good idea. It may just require more strict application of the rules.

fucking too right.

sweeps represent

Posted: 19-10-2003 19:59
by Dazlin

1 keep 1 sweep 1 mid field 2 attacks...

if ur team is smart they will boost back the other attack to def...