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Deathball Warfare

Posted: 10-10-2003 19:00
by DavidM

Posted: 10-10-2003 19:14
by Twigstir
Could you post some screens so we can get a better idea? Please and thanks.

Posted: 10-10-2003 19:17
by Messy
Screens have been posted if u payed attention in the past ;)

Obviously he's trying to create a hype tho ;)
Before (obviously) uploading the public beta for us in about a week *g* (right? :p)

Posted: 10-10-2003 19:21
by DavidM
its just nothing to look at right now, its really really ugly and just a gameplay thing :)

Posted: 10-10-2003 19:36
by Messy
That counts for deathball too :)

Posted: 10-10-2003 19:38
by DavidM
hm no
but you do nothing but moaning 24/7 anyway

Posted: 10-10-2003 19:48
by Messy

I sleep..

(ps: twas a compliment @ gameplay and more or less me simply paraphrasing what u've said earlier :) db needs to be simple (mostly map-wise) and concentrate on team/gameplay :p)

Posted: 10-10-2003 19:52
by RaGe|DB
messy moaning? die david >_<
messy cant moan, he is eleet

Posted: 10-10-2003 19:52
by Twigstir
Pictures could help your discriptions of it's gameplay. A few shots of people playing it, the different weapons availible, and something to back this statement up "Not a sports thing this time, but it does the name justice, 'cause you shoot with deadly balls ".

Ugly or not, I would be interested in see them.

Posted: 10-10-2003 20:01
by Maegrim
3 diff ball launchers? :P

Posted: 10-10-2003 21:27
by Sixty
and a sheep launcher, and a superman-sheep launcher, and an onderwater-sheep launcher, and digging sheep-;auncher, nad a cow launcher, and a flying cow launch...

Posted: 10-10-2003 22:16
by giber
Sounds like a fantastic idea. Screens would help, no matter how bad the images.

Posted: 11-10-2003 13:34
by 1234Bedlam
Bah, another server I have to setup :rolleyes:

Posted: 11-10-2003 19:18
by RaGe|DB
i thought 1.9 was important 2, but he, we can better make this then the new DB everybody is waiting for isnt it? \o/

Posted: 11-10-2003 22:48
by TEZC_Robban
rofl bedlam :D