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Posted: 04-10-2003 02:35
by Goldeneye
my current todo list for the bot of #dbpickup :| (no particular order) comment on what you'd want next to be done, or post other things that could be added / changed.

-selectable formations "-form k 1 w 1 d 2 m 4 a 3"
--replaces playernumber
--not possible to change playernumber or formation then
-show available positions, number of places free per position
-on join if pickup running, include in welcome notice number of available spots per pos
-option to limit users to positions where they are rated over a fixed value (if rates stay secret)
-option for old pickup system
-option for captain pickup:
--usual add on positions
--keeper1 selects one player, then keeper2, repeat in reversed order untill all are asigned
--auto asign, if nothing else possible
--not able to chose more than half of the players of 1 position
-rated pickups - revise alg
--compare random select / ordered select / selective select / quadratic ratecompare
-timer for autocancel (chan left/quit/kicked, inactivity (ignore serverholder to avoid abuse), never happened tho yet)
-timer for pickuplaunch
--wait for netsplit if someone added (untill considered quit (->remove) or rejoin (->launch))
--wait 10sec on launch
---last chance remove
---if lcr readds, may only remove after 2min again
-pickup wizard
--ask each setting one by one in querry
--only one wizard at a time
--timeout timer so one wizard won't run forever
--display summarised commandline when done
-allow queueing of 1 pickup (different serverholder only, only show if someone else want's to start one)
-multi channel ability
--allow adds in multiple channels to same pickup
--allow channel specific pickups (limit number of pickups at the same time)
-replace the line where you are asked for "/msg DB_Pickup info ok" with some more usefull info than just ip / pass / nr of teams
-possibility to complain about a player, if more than x% (-> x > 50) of a pickup complain about a user 2h ban

user system
-userdb with statistic
-autovoice/op not by bot intern user system
-only fixed hosts in botusersys, only for "vips"
-exeption for Quit-Reason "(Registered)"
-exeptions for netsplits "(*.net *.split)"
--mark user as netsplited
--marked as quit if no return within 5min
--if +50% of a netsplit rejoin, just 1min
-load data into memory when s/o joins
--stays there while user considered online
--hourly discard offline users from active memory (only if user offline for > 2mins at that moment)
--changes saved directly to database (avoid dataloss)
--exeption: unknown people that never were in a launched pickup, temp account for them
--mark user with "*" when listing him somewhere
--expire after 1 week (configureable?)
--check for qauth _and_ hostmask(s)
--banreason viewable for banned person
--possibility to ban user from joining on certain positions
--standard banlengths for rules
---e.g. #1,4 1h / #2 1h - no s 1w / #3,6,7 15min / #5 24h
--longer bans require written reason
--log nick,qauth of person baning and person banned
--bans stay active for up to 24h, then inactive untill either expired (-> deactivate) or rejoin (-> reactivate)
-integrate votesystem
--for ratings
---ops / trusted / whatever flaged persons only / all?
--for questions
---non tempusers only
---proscribe voting for warned people? (option)
---only ops/masters may start votes
---auto end after given period of time
-possibility for ops to leave someone a note
--either hostmask or qauth must be given
--will be delivered as soon as reciever is active in channel
--or when looking up his auth (for qauth)
--or joins (for mask)
--reciever needs to send bot some msg to say he has read his msgs - bot will delete them then
--msgs expire after min 1w / max 30days depending on if reciever already got the msg sent, or shorter if specified

-enable ops to dcc/telnet in to check logs/stats/other things that could return lots of data
-implement custom-events
-implement nick formater (append * if warned, underlined if rated, prepend # for qauth, * for handle)

Posted: 04-10-2003 02:46
by DavidM
the new selection system is gonna be funny when there is at least 1 n00b keeper who knows shit about the tactics or who doesnt know the players :)

Posted: 04-10-2003 02:52
by Ker]v[et
uii nice things!!

yea@ davidM, could be funney the selection system!

/me hopes that 2do things will be active soon

Posted: 04-10-2003 07:47
by [1234]Jr
Then maybe the highest, badly, rated person on each team should be like Goldy said, a captain, and s/he could pick the team

Posted: 05-10-2003 00:28
by Goldeneye
kermit: don't think this will be done too soon :|

jr: hm, would be possible too, i'll think about that \o/

Posted: 05-10-2003 00:34
by DavidM
not good i think
then people will start "hah, i am team captain, i have better ratings than you".........
no no :/

Posted: 05-10-2003 00:41
by Goldeneye
well, no need to always go for the best 2, you could also take best 4,6,whatever and select 2 randomly

Posted: 05-10-2003 12:30
by Chick-kun
in NA the keeper is always the captain

Posted: 05-10-2003 12:45
by Messy
Makes keeping more attractive,
I take n00blars picking (semi-)random or 'friend's' teams above waiting in a 90% filled pickup forever with only 1 keep needed.