TEZC part of TEZC-FJ = Dead!!

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TEZC part of TEZC-FJ = Dead!!

Post by TEZC-Rage »

Well it's been along time coming. But with most of TEZC's leaders personal life becoming hectic and incidents happening over the past 4 months it's time to say good bye to TEZC of TEZC-FJ. I don't know what FJ will be doing... but as leader and founder of TEZC it's time to say good bye and I personally thank all of those that have given time for me.

Here you can see the offical TEZC thread. Along with some fine memories :D

Last edited by TEZC-Rage on 02-10-2003 17:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Axl »

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Post by Rens2Sea »

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Post by fs|Pele »

oh thats too bad :( but i hope i might one day meet you again :) maybe not in deathball ...

but hf & gl
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Post by BlackFlame »

shame i always loved TEZC and admired the clan/members that stick with it even though they were dying off and were bottom of div 2 shows real commitment \o/
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Post by RaGe|DB »

me 2 :(
u guys were my rolemodels :'(
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Post by Messy »

^^^^^ What rage said =(

I looked at tezc-games' demos endlessly and I learnt a lot from all of you, even tho u hardly know me ^^; teehee =\

Shame to c TEZC (which used to be THE clan...man i was waiting for action figures of u guys)go :( good luck all wherever u might go >.<
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Post by RaGe|DB »

they have action figures
i dont know the exact name
but something with Darbies, or something :o
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Post by TEZC-Rage »

p.s you can also post threads in our forum... it uses the same login as it does for this forum ;)

But it is nice to hear from some of you :D
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Post by Chrisfu »


TEZC make no box defend.
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Post by Achilles »

we make box defend ask aov 7-5 yaaaaaaaaaaaay :P \o/ @ keep and sweep(o thats meh)
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Post by GazMaN »


its not that good an achievement to b splashing it everywhere :)
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Post by fro »

this fucking sucks dooder, tezc were *the* team.

late night 1234 cube was always a good game when a couple of tezc players were in the mix, sad to see you leave db
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Post by cY|riCo »


this sux :/

We know TEZC from very beginning and they were our model :p

They pwnt us with boosting and with passvolleys and we always asked us how they did that... :D

they were always one step in front of us =)

Maybe they will come back sometimes :p

cYa riCo
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Post by Axl »

They pwnt us with boosting and with passvolleys and we always asked us how they did that
we were shit at boosting, which is why we were good in the begining when boosting wasnt used as much, then when teams did nothing but boosting TEZC started falling behind cos we just couldnt use it very well.. TEZC were always a passing team, we prefered to work goals rather than slapping a guy miles up the pitch and lobbing the ball to him :s