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Congratz to AoV

Posted: 29-09-2003 07:35
by J-Force
Congratz by winning Div1!

Posted: 29-09-2003 12:31
by Rens2Sea
huh? O_o

Posted: 29-09-2003 12:44
by horus-one
u cant congratulate them atm :D the season isnt over (they can die or get 3 DL !!! ahahahah who could knows ? :D )

Posted: 29-09-2003 15:31
by Morning*Star

Posted: 29-09-2003 16:09
by XiLLeRaToR
gratz aov, u deserve it for not playing in any way whatsoever a boring playstlye, score more goals than enemy and u win:P dont see any daft pbox camping from u guys, nice one

Posted: 29-09-2003 16:22
by Instigator
XiLLeRaToR wrote: gratz aov, u deserve it for not playing in any way whatsoever a boring playstlye, score more goals than enemy and u win:P dont see any daft pbox camping from u guys, nice one

have to agree with xill there

Posted: 29-09-2003 16:44
by GazMaN
woooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh their lad!!!

still 5 games to go yet, = 15 points = quite easliy thrown away, ill say ta once were safe thanks very much :)

but still wuld b noce to see clan win it who play an exciting style of play :) now, where can i find 1?????

Posted: 29-09-2003 18:03
by fs|Pele
omg theres a div1 ?

Posted: 30-09-2003 13:26
by Imo
horus-one wrote: u cant congratulate them atm :D the season isnt over (they can die or get 3 DL !!! ahahahah who could knows ? :D )

maybe we could change some rules to shaft AoV? ;)

Posted: 30-09-2003 14:21
by GazMaN

Posted: 30-09-2003 14:47
by Requiem
3 DL is ok? :lol: ;)

Posted: 30-09-2003 17:08
by horus-one
yup req help us !!!! AHAHAH we'll not let ya win xD , just to delete this thread :P

Posted: 30-09-2003 21:35
by Ars3h
firstly aov were division 3 - 1 season later there the best clan in the dbl wtf

Posted: 30-09-2003 22:24
by [V3]Cajubski
they owned div 3, thats why they went straight into div 1, and they stayed good, mmh, like DeeZ owning the 3rd div...div 1 next season maybe....:devil:

Posted: 01-10-2003 00:37
by GazMaN
difference is khush, we won every single game :)