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Looking for peeps to start a clan...

Posted: 25-09-2003 15:16
by Jerkoff
I'm looking for some people in North America to start a clan with. I'm not sure how many people there are in NA looking for a clan, but I'm trying to get something off the ground. I'm looking for people of all skill levels, I don't care if you are new or you suck, everyone has to start somewhere. I'm hoping to get around 8 quality players. I'm not planning on being the only leader, I'm hoping someone would want to take the responsibility of being team captain, to coach people on the field during games, and making sure everyone is on the same page. Preferably someone with a lot of DB experience. I'll do all the other stuff, like set up practices, deal with players, and make a website, if this all pans out. There's a couple of you out there specifically that i'm hoping will want to do this.

E-mail me for a tryout, or to shoot the shit.

Posted: 25-09-2003 18:27
by Orbitul
w00t! Hope this works out jerkoff!

Also, you might want to go to and post on those forums as well. Lots of the NA community goes there now instead of here. And of course visit #ballers and #dbpug on progameplayer.

Anyway, Good Luck! :p

Posted: 25-09-2003 18:42
by theberkin8or
forget a new clan join BJ so you can play drunk with berk :) :spam:

Posted: 25-09-2003 19:12
by Dream Killer
Yeah what Orby said.

Posted: 25-09-2003 19:14
by theberkin8or
not what berk said :( *jerkoff knows me so it is all good* :D

Posted: 25-09-2003 19:42
by Dream Killer
Yeah what Orby said.

Posted: 26-09-2003 05:28
by Jerkoff

Posted: 26-09-2003 07:14
by Savwa
Just to reply.
I'm looking for people of all skill levels, I don't care if you are new or you suck, everyone has to start somewhere. I'm hoping to get around 8 quality players.
If you don't care what the skill level is, why do you ask for quality players?

Posted: 26-09-2003 18:06
by Orbitul
He probably means quality in a different manner. Such as good ppl, reliable, team-oriented, etc.

Posted: 26-09-2003 18:10
by fs|Pele
quality = not pele
good = not pele
reliable = totally not pele
Team-orientated = maybe pele
etc = completly pele

Posted: 27-09-2003 19:11
by MeSSiaH{FCU}

And on top of that, he's not even NA O_o

Posted: 08-01-2004 19:29
by Jerkoff
Ok, I have 2 people, anyone else want to sign up?

Posted: 09-01-2004 02:58
by uberslacker
gl j, hope you do well

Posted: 09-01-2004 03:22
by Jerkoff
Thanks uber, hope it can get off the ground :D. Think I might have 3 now...

Posted: 09-01-2004 03:47
by Scotteh
come to irc jerkoff, pgp server #dbpug theres some NA peeps there that don't have clans that i know are looking for one