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Post by frostymoss »


Map Name: Arena Four.
Game Type: Deathball.
Author: frostymoss.
Last Compile: Sep 18 03.
Build Time: Probably a good 50 hours.
Game: Unreal Tournament 2003

About: Located in the middle of a Lake, Surrounded by skyscrapers, an original theme for Deathball. An ideal Volley Only map. A really cool feature is if you hit the bottom side ramp like object on the walls it goes up the wall and hits the curved fence making a perfect volley set up. A good 20 mb of custom textures. A special thanks to Scott for some UED support.


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Post by CorDawg »

post some real screenshots pls
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Post by DavidM »

no shot, no download \o
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Post by YoYo789 »

The phrase "An Ideal Volley Only Map", no download \o
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Post by HerbalTea »

true, you need more screens to get ppl to d/l

anyway map is ok, fps outside of the arena is good, 70-90 fps at full details, 1280x1024 85 hz refresh, but once inside playin fps gets killed and goes down below 30!!

you need to add the clank sounds to the posts.

didn't get the bounce off the bottom bevel to hit the top fence, :(

and i find the "block" behind the net gets weird deflects at times, some are really hard and fast, others the angles aren't were they should be
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Re: DB-ArenaFour

Post by UnrealKrake »

Love the idea for the skybox, but
frostymoss wrote: A good 20 mb of custom textures.

you cheated ;) Thought of compressing RGBA8 textures to reduce file size ( from 30,7 MB to 8,4 MB = nearly 400 % *g* ) and loading time of the map. Just an idea ...

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Post by frostymoss »

i forgot to mention that this is beta...well in the sense that i know its not done. hehe the curve thing works you just need some exp. in it takes a few tries. Ill get another screen up in a bit. I need space... The clank sounds arent there because of a mismatch in tag names...if you check in ued triggers are there. With all the other suggestions i've gotten if i do make another compile i will be:

Fixing some blocking volumes (minor)
Redoing some lighting adding stadium lighting.
A custom track
Fixing some other various bugs including clank sound
Some optimizations.
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Post by Lithinite »

nice and simple.. i like it :)
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Post by Dazlin »

fun o/ map :D
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Re: DB-ArenaFour

Post by f1end »

frostymoss wrote: A really cool feature is if you hit the bottom side ramp like object on the walls it goes up the wall and hits the curved fence making a perfect volley set up.

^^^ NO D/L
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Post by FireCell »

fewls with all this no download crap, surely if u dont want to download.. keep it yourself, why do we care that you dont want to download it?... but if you download it then have a real problem with its features it makes sense to post your comment. But saying no download.. wtf? does it make you feel big?
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Post by Armagon »

I think they're just letting Frosty know that they'd rather see screenshots before they download anything. I can't honestly say I blame them.

Incidentally, I checked the map out myself. It was good, but I agree with HerbalTea.