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I really need a clan or im going to cry :(

Posted: 12-09-2003 14:03
by MaKa^^
I'm MaKa.

I make box defend.

I'm clanless.

I'm looking for a clan to join :D

But who needs/wants a sweeper like me?

[edit] u can find me on irc, post here or do both ;) [/edit]

Posted: 12-09-2003 15:16
by Hugi
we need a box defending sweeper ;)

Posted: 12-09-2003 16:12
by LyNxiFi3d
#[MS].db makeh

Posted: 19-09-2003 22:36
by MaKa^^
uhm i'm still searching a clan btw /o\

Posted: 20-09-2003 07:51
by Hugi

Posted: 22-09-2003 21:01
by MaKa^^
:( where r all the clans who need ppl?

and i'm still searching for a clan >_<

Posted: 23-09-2003 01:31
by CurvE
23? :X

Posted: 23-09-2003 08:38
by MaKa^^
what? :eek: