GreyFox is a whore

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GreyFox is a whore

Post by -plær- »

a quick look at the clan forum shows that this keeper has had a lot of interest in him. I thought FCU had succesfully staged a coup it getting him to join us...

What follows is the complete transcript of a qry with him.

Please read it through. You can probably ignore the bits about Metal Gear Solid :)
Session Start: Tue Sep 09 16:22:05 2003
Session Ident: GreyFox[Seeking
(16:22:05) ((
(16:22:05) —› query with (GreyFox[Seeking) (
(16:22:05) —› total queries: 153 (~2.4 per day)
(16:22:05) —› queries today: 2
(16:22:05) —› common channels: +#{FCU} #dbpickup
(16:22:05) ((

(16:22:18) (plaer`) it's a little quieter here :)
(16:22:26) (GreyFox[Seeking) yea :)
(16:22:39) (plaer`) are you registered on the deathball league pages?
(16:22:46) (plaer`) i'll add you into the team
(16:22:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) nope i aint
(16:23:00) (plaer`)
(16:23:05) (plaer`) ok, go and sign up
(16:23:20) (GreyFox[Seeking) or i am register at but perhaps that doesnt count ?
(16:23:28) (plaer`) no, that doesnt count, sorry
(16:23:41) (GreyFox[Seeking) 1 last time, u r sure u want me ?
(16:23:45) (plaer`) yes
(16:23:49) (GreyFox[Seeking) oh yea
(16:23:50) (GreyFox[Seeking) sweet
(16:23:51) (plaer`) \o/
(16:24:01) (plaer`) we have an internal irc channel too
(16:24:05) (plaer`) #{fcu|intern}
(16:24:09) (plaer`) password is CENSORED
(16:24:14) (GreyFox[Seeking) what should my nick name be ?
(16:24:19) (GreyFox[Seeking) {fcu}GreyFox ?
(16:24:20) (plaer`) GreyFox i guess
(16:24:27) (plaer`) dont bother with the tag
(16:24:30) (GreyFox[Seeking) k
(16:24:34) (GreyFox[Seeking) u know who greyfox is
(16:24:43) (plaer`) i dont think so
(16:24:52) (GreyFox[Seeking) k, its the coolest player in metal gear solid
(16:25:01) (plaer`) aaah, i loved that game

Some chat about Metal Gear Solid cut out here

(16:29:40) (GreyFox[Seeking) what is the differnce of
(16:29:44) (GreyFox[Seeking) log in use and nick name ?
(16:29:48) (GreyFox[Seeking) user*
(16:29:59) (plaer`) erm, example: my login name is "plaer"
(16:30:11) (plaer`) my nickname is "plær"
(16:30:22) (GreyFox[Seeking) k lol so i should have the same
(16:30:33) (plaer`) you can just use greyfox for both
(16:30:43) (GreyFox[Seeking) do u guys have icq ?
(16:30:58) (plaer`) i dont use it, some of the guys might
(16:31:10) (GreyFox[Seeking) k
(16:31:12) (GreyFox[Seeking) icq ?
(16:31:16) (GreyFox[Seeking) i kinda h8 icq
(16:31:42) (GreyFox[Seeking) that damn noice when u get a message
(16:31:51) (GreyFox[Seeking) and i h8 that typing sound
(16:31:55) (plaer`) heh
(16:32:04) (plaer`) we basically only use irc
(16:32:05) (GreyFox[Seeking) arg
(16:32:11) (GreyFox[Seeking) greyfox was already taken
(16:32:15) (plaer`) tho some of use use msn messenger as well
(16:32:17) (plaer`) really?
(16:32:22) (GreyFox[Seeking) i will take {fcu}GreyFox
(16:32:41) (plaer`) thats odd
(16:32:47) (plaer`) i cant find a greyfox on the player list
(16:33:03) (GreyFox[Seeking) well it said it was taken
(16:33:18) (plaer`) thats...wierd
(16:33:36) (GreyFox[Seeking) is it wrong 2 have {fcu}GreyFox?
(16:33:41) (plaer`) not, of course not
(16:33:49) (plaer`) have anything you like mate :)
(16:34:09) (GreyFox[Seeking) whats ur irl name ?
(16:34:24) (plaer`) James
(16:34:41) (GreyFox[Seeking) wtf
(16:34:47) (GreyFox[Seeking) it said
(16:34:48) (GreyFox[Seeking) that
(16:34:52) (GreyFox[Seeking) {fcu}GreyFox already exists
(16:34:59) (plaer`) ok, that is fucked
(16:35:22) (plaer`) there have been some problems with the league pages recently
(16:35:39) (GreyFox[Seeking) k
(16:35:50) (GreyFox[Seeking) it cant have something 2 have with the mail right
(16:36:08) (plaer`) i dont think that matters
(16:36:09) (GreyFox[Seeking) that i have registerd on normal forum with my mail
(16:36:19) (plaer`) no, they are completely separate
(16:37:04) (GreyFox[Seeking) oh yea, look at this
(16:37:04) (GreyFox[Seeking) Some people lately complained that the team signup is broken. I will temporarily signup teams manually, please send an email to containing the following data:
(16:37:08) (plaer`) i think you need to talk to bazzi (the league admin)
(16:37:22) (plaer`) he is in #deathball as "bratzi"
(16:37:48) (GreyFox[Seeking) i will just mail him
(16:37:56) (plaer`) ok
(16:38:02) —› join: (GreyFox[Seeking) ( (#deathball)
(16:39:44) (( /whois start ))
(16:39:44) —› GreyFox[Seeking is "Anton" (
(16:39:44) —› GreyFox[Seeking voiced in #{FCU}
(16:39:44) —› GreyFox[Seeking reg in #dbpickup #deathball
(16:39:44) —› GreyFox[Seeking using * (QuakeNet IRC Server)
(16:39:45) (( /whois end ))
(16:50:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) lo again
(16:51:02) (plaer`) hihi
(16:51:10) (plaer`) did you speak to bazzi?
(16:51:13) (GreyFox[Seeking) yea
(16:51:19) (GreyFox[Seeking) he said 2 make an email
(16:51:33) (GreyFox[Seeking) btw, do u know if usaar hangs around in deathball channel ?
(16:51:45) (plaer`) no, ive never seen him there
(16:51:55) (GreyFox[Seeking) k
(16:51:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) - Your player name (you have to signup as player first)
(16:51:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) - Your player email
(16:51:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) - Teamtag + Teamname you wish to use
(16:51:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) - Country + Continent
(16:52:04) (GreyFox[Seeking) what do they mean with player name ?
(16:52:12) (GreyFox[Seeking) my old normal login ?
(16:52:21) (plaer`) ugh, he thinks you want to sign up a new team
(16:52:26) (plaer`) not just a player
(16:53:13) (GreyFox[Seeking) so should i write {fcu}GreyFox there
(16:53:44) (plaer`) you need to write him an email, saying that you cant sign up *AS A PLAYER*
(16:54:16) (plaer`) then give him the things that it asks for on the "sign-up" page were you were previously
(16:54:47) (plaer`) where* you were previously
(17:03:24) —› part: (GreyFox[Seeking) ( (#dbpickup)
(17:08:15) (GreyFox[Seeking) sec lol
time passes, nothing happens
(19:01:15) (plaer`) GreyFox[Seeking , you still there?

more time passes
(21:37:36) —› part: (GreyFox[Seeking) ( (#{FCU})
Hm, that's odd, why has he parted all of a sudden?
(21:51:00) (( /whois start ))
(21:51:00) —› GreyFox[Seeking is "Anton" (
(21:51:00) —› GreyFox[Seeking opped in #sD*37
(21:51:00) —› GreyFox[Seeking reg in #deathball
(21:51:00) —› GreyFox[Seeking using * (QuakeNet IRC Server)
(21:51:00) (( /whois end ))
Opped in #sd*37...what is going on?
(21:51:07) —› can't join #sD*37 (requires key (+k))
(21:51:07) —› press (Control+F2) to retry!
(21:51:49) —› nick: (GreyFox[Seeking) is now known as (sD37)
(21:52:07) (plaer`) GreyFox[Seeking , you still there?
(21:53:03) —› nick: (sD37) is now known as (^GreyFox^)
(21:53:16) (plaer`) ^GreyFox^
(21:53:17) (plaer`) ^GreyFox^
(21:53:17) (plaer`) ^GreyFox^
(21:53:17) (plaer`) ^GreyFox^
(21:53:57) (plaer`) you wanna explain what the hell is going on?
(21:55:22) (plaer`) dont ignore me please
(21:55:29) (^GreyFox^) sry i was afk
(21:55:40) (plaer`) what is going on?
(21:55:49) (plaer`) you are opped in sd37
(21:55:54) (plaer`) and then i see this
(21:55:55) (plaer`) ... madmin=192
(21:56:12) (^GreyFox^) im sry but sd37 asked me to the trial just before i registerd
(21:56:16) (^GreyFox^) and lol i did
(21:56:21) (^GreyFox^) then they asked me 2 join
(21:56:41) (plaer`) dude, you already agreed to join us...
(21:57:19) (^GreyFox^) yea ....
(21:57:28) (plaer`) and then you drop out, without even telling ?
(21:57:52) (^GreyFox^) i was gonna tell i am still in ur channel, i just did the damn trial
(21:58:24) (^GreyFox^) man i am sry
(21:58:34) (plaer`) you are a whore
Session Close: Tue Sep 09 21:58:36 2003

He then proceded to profusely apologize in #fcu, but to be honest, I didn't care. What he did was cheap, and inexcusable.

I'm not angry at the sd*37 guys, they didnt know about this afaik. I'm also not surprised that he went to splash damage. I mean, offered a place, who wouldn't join a Div 1 team ?

What I am angry about is the fact that he trialled with them *after* telling us that he would be joined us. Hell, if the dbl page wasnt buggy, he probably would have joined us.

Or worse, he would have joined us, for about 2 hours, then still whored himself to sD...:confused:
Last edited by -plær- on 09-09-2003 22:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by [V3]Cajubski »

could make a soap opera out of this bull shit :confused:
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Post by JODECI »

No offense but from reading that irc log, he doesnt seem to bright, either. :D
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Post by DavidM »

"I'm also not surprised that he went to splash damage."

he didnt want to, he wanted to leave before we even played, he was affraid he was too bad
after some work we could keep him /o\
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Post by Onge »

That really isn't on. If someone gives their word they should stick to it.

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Post by The_One »

wow Trapdoor, brings back some memories. ^^
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Post by FeEdiKo »

/me hears Axl / NaB screaming that Bazzi manipulated the DBL-page so GreyFox will join sD

no offense guys :ban:
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Post by 13224 »


plaer = pwned :p
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Post by Axl »

FeEdiKo wrote: /me hears Axl / NaB screaming that Bazzi manipulated the DBL-page so GreyFox will join sD

no offense guys :ban:

lol, wouldnt suprise me now :)
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Post by Maegrim »

go nnscript go :d
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

\o/ who cares :p
Too bad..some ppl stick to their words, some dont, his own choice so meh =)

plus..irc logs are easily faked ;) (even tho im sure this one isnt ;p)

(17:20:37) (@plaer`) I r wub teh suck horse cock =)

kthxduh :D (sad to cu go so soon greyfox ;) or shud i say...DEEPTHROAT aka the ninja >:))
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Post by gutterflower »

omg plaer lubs horse cock?
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Post by -Elementia- »

bit harsh
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Post by gutterflower »

agggghh it was a joke, thats why i hate most of this community
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Post by -Elementia- »

lol :D