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No More DB For Me!!!!

Posted: 06-09-2003 20:50
by Cenotaph
after thinking a lot about this matter, ive finally decided to leave the DB community :(

i left AoV sumtime a go, after a war vs. fs|pX, where they constantly called us lame with no reason at all tbh, since then ive been thinking of leaving DB, but i actually missed the clanwars (coz i like DB as a game, and clanwars are the only chance to play GG), so i looked for a clan and joined ßk°, i thought, well fuck it.. this can be fun... but i was soon to realise that DB only gets me pissed off...

this last issue concerning White° replacing ZBN, got me driven mad. and i did some lame, childish comments about sum ppl. Sry About That!!! i made too many mistakes while i was a part of the community. never meant to piss anyone off. so sry :confused:

thing is i dont find DB as half as fun i used to...
after the beginning of the Official League, things went out of control, the community has gone driven mad by competition.

DB is a great game tbh. Congratulationz to DavidM & Team Vortex.

anyway i'd like to thank everyone for some great moments.

and Special Thanks:
to everyone that is .:AoV:. (for the best times in DB i had)
everyone in ßk° and in Wh° (very nice fellas)
and to everyone in [DEUS] and sD1337 luv them to :)


(i'll prolly show up in some public servers every once in a while) :devil:

Posted: 06-09-2003 21:24
by Hugi
cu and hf gl :D

Posted: 06-09-2003 23:26
by GazMaN
you suk!!!!

/me shows ceno the love!!!! :p

Posted: 07-09-2003 16:15
by Still
cu :(

Posted: 07-09-2003 16:50
by Onge
Bye and good luck.

Posted: 07-09-2003 17:02
by fro

cya ceno, keep listening to the rape :)

Posted: 07-09-2003 19:32
by Golde[nG]un
bye cenny :o

Posted: 08-09-2003 00:21
by JarO
cya and hf cenny

Posted: 08-09-2003 12:54
by XiLLeRaToR
/me joins cenny...
soon as 1.9 is out im gone, not even on pubs:) wont download it so tata dor when that happens

Posted: 08-09-2003 13:10
by Axl
didnt u say that to the last 2 versions too? :P

Posted: 08-09-2003 13:13
by XiLLeRaToR
well kinda, i said id quit clanwise, which i did brielfy, but never ruled out dling it:P


Posted: 08-09-2003 14:30
by Axl
wooohooo! :)

Posted: 08-09-2003 14:37
by RaGe|DB
bye bye :(

Posted: 08-09-2003 15:27
by JollyRulez
/me hugs j00 :)

Cya Ceno, hf o/

Posted: 08-09-2003 17:39
by =[Np]=LuniX
NooooOOOOOo im going 2 cry plz ceno dont leave dont hear the DB community this is our nerd social life + yur right this community is f00ked up so im going 2 cry 2........
