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Small statistics related bug (1.8)

Posted: 06-09-2003 19:51
by hAcK.NL
In the statistics screen (F3) you get to track how much % of the time the ball has been in each sides of the map. However, these percentages get screwed when you cary the ball across the line to the other side.

Observe: The ball is on the red side. The statistics show a slow increase of the value for red and decrease for blue. When I volley the ball to the blue side (and it stops there), the opposite happens.

Now when I cary the ball back again to the red side, the % for blue will continue to rise, not start to drop.


Posted: 08-09-2003 13:14
by XiLLeRaToR
u have to much time on ur hands sitting in goal looking at f3 to notice that:x

Posted: 08-09-2003 19:08
by hAcK.NL
Nah, I just entered an empty server and was waiting a bit for others to join. Which of course did not happen. :rolleyes: