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Clan *23*

Posted: 05-09-2003 18:32
by Golde[nG]un
lo all! Here i only want to announce that clan *23* plays with littl monkey from sf db in goal!
clan 23 are some lame and cheating gang ... im sad to see that in DBL ... u cant do much against it

well gg:ban:

Posted: 05-09-2003 18:34
by Sixty
i really thought they were cool people :confused:

David, i know its impossible to fix, but please invent something quick to prevent this lame cheating :ban:

Posted: 05-09-2003 19:05
by Requiem
maybe proves before saying such stuffs?

Posted: 05-09-2003 19:09
by Zouuu
Stop to cry

moaning moaning ....


Posted: 05-09-2003 19:13
by Golde[nG]un
ok requiem how can i prove this really. there are some ... but they use crap excuse! ppl know that they use him....
but hurray then we can stop with clans.

Posted: 05-09-2003 19:25
by [1234]Jr
WHat do you want? People TIED to clans?

For christs sake, get more loyal members then instead of people who'll jump ship!

Gee, there isnt a need for callin 23 cheaters and lame, nor is there need for a thread at all..

...go play DB or something a little less boring than these dumb threads..:mad: :p

oh and btw: DavidM is not your mother

DavidM is not your clan leader

DavidM doesnt care anyway, why would he care just for you? :)

Posted: 05-09-2003 19:31
by Golde[nG]un
than u can fuck the whole league system not my problem...

Posted: 05-09-2003 19:37
by [1234]Jr
the DBL is and has been fucked up for a while...

this is just another insignificate person change to an already self-decaying system..

this wont be the straw that breaks the proverbial camels back.. in fact, this is just another piece of plancton in the sea of corruption

..what the fuck?:eek: :ban:

Posted: 05-09-2003 20:25
by Golde[nG]un
hmm bad but idd jr

Posted: 06-09-2003 14:52
by DavidM
only thing you can do is an IP check, I can get you the IP's when you are playing on a DBL server