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Say hi to me thread! (testing a poll too)

Posted: 28-08-2003 15:42
by Fallen
Spam! NOW

Posted: 28-08-2003 16:56
by fro
i voted for omghi2ulolz

Posted: 28-08-2003 17:40
by -plær-

Posted: 28-08-2003 22:44
by Fruitcake
david m will BAN ....

Posted: 29-08-2003 18:52
by BlackFlame
omg hi

and fruit why when ever you post before me ddo you call me a retard? it hurts

Posted: 29-08-2003 19:38
by [GR]Kermit

it works so be happy

Posted: 30-08-2003 15:37
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Congratz dude :)

Posted: 31-08-2003 13:26
by BL44T

Posted: 31-08-2003 18:52
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
omghi2u bl44t

Posted: 31-08-2003 20:24
by DudeGuy
BlackFlame wrote: omg hi

and fruit why when ever you post before me ddo you call me a retard? it hurts

it's his signature duh! it's in every one of his posts :cool:

Posted: 01-09-2003 02:02
by BlackFlame
i know you dumb asa

Posted: 01-09-2003 02:04
by DudeGuy

hehehehe :D

Posted: 01-09-2003 11:47
by BL44T