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Posted: 27-08-2003 00:21
by Khushdi
well coming from me u prolly will laugh but the biggest fag ever to play this game is fizzy, hes a 2.5 year old child with admin power /o\

i mean i beat him at every game u can think off, and when that happens, he cries, and uses his gay powers as admin to kick and ban

for example on fcu server i own him, as usual at whatever, he threatens to ban me if i dont leave...and today was the most childish thing i ever seen in #deathball i shall put it below, slighlty long :-

[11:56pm] <13@Fizzy> !trivia scramble
[11:56pm] <13@DB-trivia> 01,00Starting the trivia. Round of 00,0110 01,00questions. 00,01!strivia 01,00to stop. Total: 00,01810
[11:56pm] <13@DB-trivia> 01,001. 01,00Unscramble the following: 00,01mivtoe?
[11:56pm] <13@DB-trivia> 01,00Here's a hint: 00,01mo++++
[11:56pm] <04[DeeZ]Nubcake> !vowels
[11:56pm] *DB-trivia* 01,00Vowels are: 15,01+o+i+e
[11:56pm] <13@Fizzy> ONLY IM ALLOWED TO PLAY
[11:56pm] <13@Fizzy> !vowels
[11:56pm] <04[DeeZ]Nubcake> motive
[11:57pm] <13@DB-trivia> 01,00Winner: 00,01[DeeZ]Nubcake 01,00Answer: 00,01motive 01,00Time: 00,0138.619 01,00Streak: 00,011 01,00Points: 00,01104 01,00WPM: 00,011 01,00Rank: 00,018th
[11:57pm] <13@Fizzy> motive
[11:57pm] <04[DeeZ]Nubcake> :D
[11:57pm] <13@DB-trivia> 01,002. 01,00Unscramble the following: 00,01oarues?
[11:57pm] ^EliCA^ (pickitup@^EliCA^ is now known as Eli|DB
[11:57pm] <13@DB-trivia> 01,00Here's a hint: 00,01+++u+e
[11:57pm] <13@Fizzy> !vwoels
[11:57pm] <13@Fizzy> !vowels
[11:57pm] <04[DeeZ]Nubcake> !vowels
[11:57pm] *DB-trivia* 01,00Vowels are: 15,01a+ou+e
[11:57pm] <04[DeeZ]Nubcake> arouse
[11:57pm] <13@DB-trivia> 01,00Winner: 00,01[DeeZ]Nubcake 01,00Answer: 00,01arouse 01,00Time: 00,0123.044 01,00Streak: 00,012 01,00Points: 00,01105 01,00WPM: 00,013 01,00Rank: 00,018th
[11:57pm] <13@DB-trivia> 01,003. 01,00Unscramble the following: 00,01cmrsoepi?
[11:57pm] <04[DeeZ]Nubcake> !vowels
[11:57pm] *DB-trivia* 01,00Vowels are: 15,01+o+++i+e
[11:57pm] <13@Fizzy> !vowels
[11:57pm] <13@Fizzy> !hint
[11:57pm] <13@DB-trivia> 01,00Here's a hint: 00,01+o++++se
[11:58pm] <13@Fizzy> comprimise
[11:58pm] <13@Fizzy> compromise
[11:58pm] <04[DeeZ]Nubcake> compromise
[11:58pm] <13@Fizzy> comprmise
[11:58pm] <13@Fizzy> :D
[11:58pm] <04[DeeZ]Nubcake> oO
[11:58pm] <04[DeeZ]Nubcake> comprise
[11:58pm] <13@DB-trivia> 01,00Winner: 00,01[DeeZ]Nubcake 01,00Answer: 00,01comprise 01,00Time: 00,0137.973 01,00Streak: 00,013 01,00Points: 00,01106 01,00WPM: 00,012 01,00Rank: 00,018th
[11:58pm] * @DB-trivia 01,00hands 00,01[DeeZ]Nubcake01,00 a cold beer for getting the last 00,01301,00 questions!
[11:58pm] <04[DeeZ]Nubcake> lool
[11:58pm] <13@Fizzy> fuck you
[11:58pm] <13@Fizzy> !op ban [DeeZ]Nubcake

and later on unprovoked but just cos i beat him at everything :/...

[12:06am] <13@Fizzy> i say all the players in the entire league get together and make a super clan!
[12:06am] <13@Fizzy> and they will beat all!!!
[12:06am] <13@Fizzy> because they will have no one to play
[12:06am] <13@Fizzy> >:D
[12:07am] <13@Fizzy> or they could just play pubs
[12:07am] <13@Fizzy> all the people in the league accept khushdi that is
[12:07am] <14Taken`> lol
[12:07am] <04[DeeZ]Nubcake> yea i can take u all alone
[12:07am] <14Taken`> there shud b a massive crazy pikcup like tht
[12:07am] <13@Fizzy> no, you're a wanker
[12:07am] <14Taken`> tehe
[12:07am] <14Taken`> :)
[12:07am] <14Taken`> with a specially enlarged pitch
[12:08am] <14Taken`> \o/
[12:08am] <14Taken`> :D
[12:08am] <13@Fizzy> :o
[12:08am] <13@Fizzy> there already is big lowcube
[12:08am] <13@Fizzy> \o
[12:08am] <14Taken`> :o
[12:08am] <13@Fizzy> but khsushdi compared it to his penis size and gave david M head until he removed it

next thing

[12:11am] Fizzy sets mode: +b *!*@*
[12:11am] [DeeZ]Nubcake was kicked by Fizzy (ha, banned 12‹4212›)

yes nice u fuckin little shit, go grow some balls, get a life and stick ur little admin powers where the sun dont shine, u act like a little ban bothers me, the only thing that bothers me is that there are complete tossers around and ur the biggest 1 of them all. done.

Posted: 27-08-2003 00:46
by Morning*Star

Posted: 27-08-2003 00:51
by Fruitcake
lol /me grabs tha popcorn \o/

Posted: 27-08-2003 01:07
by Cenotaph

Posted: 27-08-2003 01:46
by BlackFlame
what about the bit where he said calm down khush im joking?

Posted: 27-08-2003 02:46
by Khushdi
[11:58pm] <04[DeeZ]Nubcake> fizzy ur lame
[11:58pm] <13@Fizzy> IM JOKING FFS YOU FUCING NEWB

joking yes, so much that he bans me, nice argument there blackflame

Posted: 27-08-2003 05:56
by Rens2Sea
Trivia bot in #deathball = gay :ban:

Posted: 27-08-2003 08:55
by RaGe|DB
remember when we called him cheater for cheating in all the answers? :p

Posted: 27-08-2003 09:39
by Dazlin
noooo i got banned too but its only #deathball nothing really happens in that chan and yes i got banned by fizzy because he was bored..

Posted: 27-08-2003 09:50
by Robotojon
well played Fizz, keep up the good work

Posted: 27-08-2003 13:13
by DavidM

Posted: 27-08-2003 13:24
by Rens2Sea
Pink \o/

Posted: 27-08-2003 16:43
by RaGe|DB
u guys ever noticed that were fizzy insults, taken insults? or the other way around. now i kinda feel alone :lol:

Posted: 27-08-2003 16:47
by gutterflower
And id do it again, also remind me how long you were banned for?
Sad lil guy

Posted: 27-08-2003 16:49
by gutterflower
oh and you can go around telling everyone you own me as much as you like, but your refusal to play me every time i ask you in front of everyone speaks for itself ;)