Teh Clan*23* vs RoV problems

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Teh Clan*23* vs RoV problems

Post by Mayer.hun »

Okay here comes teh Deal:

There is a Game... teh game between Clan23 and RoV (Reign of Viperz) so... if u want to play a match on a preffered date.. teh date has to be accepted right?

So... RoV accepted teh date... but when the date and time come... well... Not enought RoV players in sight :P What happens then? Welel, this means of course DW for Us.

AND WHAT IS NOW??? RoV wants to play teh match????????????

WTF???? Why did they accept the date then???? Why? Why did they accept a date, when they could not play????? This means Dw... teh rulz say it :PPP

I Know, there are many DWs in teh league... but i think it is not our problem.. if teh Rulz say, DW for such a situation...

I want to be fair... but i think the rulz are clear...

Today I talked to Req about his.. he said: Reschudle... a Team can cancell 2 matchdates... ????????, WHERE IS THIS IN TEH RULZ??????

Today there was a meeting... where Phatmal from RoV talked about this, with Lec, from our team who is NOT good at english... sry.. theat is so, he wanted that they speak with me, but all fucked up...

Mert Büdös Geci Faszlámák vagytok basszátok meg a köcsög picsába! Aranyseggû faszjancsik! Majd ellátom a bajotokat! Mert nem engede! Hogy csak azért szégyenítsetek meg minekt, mert mi nem faszszagú seggnyaló pöcsök vagyunk akik csak Kígyók uralmaként nevezik magukat!!! Ne bántsátok a becsületes Joo magyart!!!!! HAJRÁ MAGYAROK!!!!! ÉLJEN MAGYARORSZÁG!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Achilles »

rov did it again baby
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Post by Mayer.hun »

what do you mean did it again? tell us plz...
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Post by Axl »

your entitled to a DW as far as i know.. never seen this 2 cancel rule stuff.. however i think DWs are lame ne way, and if possible playing the match maybe a day or 2 later is much better
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Post by Achilles »

oi 3 times canceled v us and we canceled 1 against em and after that every1 said they shouldve taken the def win since we didnt play by rules sigh
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Post by Mayer.hun »

I also think DWs are lame... I just don't understand why they accept it and then fuck off... Achil told me anyway they also done this with them 3 times :PP cancelled 3 times their accepted dates...

And of course.. where is this 2 times cancell?
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Post by *LeC*23* »

We just fight for our right.. that is all... if we get DW all teh time.. hey? That is not our problem! Its not our fault... or? /translated by Mayer/
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Post by GazMaN »

mmm db is bout fun ppl, not points, try ur hardest to get a reschedule and only take a dw if no other way out!!!

does winning mean that much???
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Post by Mayer.hun »

Yes DB is about FUN...

we all know that... but it just can't go on like so... Its not teh winning.. its teh rulz :P Why should We be fair, if RoV is also Not fair?

You heard Achil... And I think a lot of people have teh same oppinion... this is not about fair play anymore.. its about the rights...

Just think about that U want to play, and u can't because teh enemy will not come... althought they have accapted teh date.. but they don't come... and they don't even want to have an excuse or sth... they just show up, and when will we play teh match?... arm...
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Post by Requiem »

omfg, i'm so pissed off to see more clans playing to get def wins that to have great fair matchs.....
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Post by NaB »

cos the rules make it so easy to claim def wins -_-

shit rules ^^
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Post by Fruitcake »

gg DavidM :confused:
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Post by Robotojon »

although, tbh, when the other clan lets you down and doesnt turn up for a match 3 times, a DW is fair. People have lives, and its a shit when you turn up for a match only for the opposition to not turn up time after time after time
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Post by TEZC_Robban »

/me slaps Robotojon \o/

what he said
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Post by Rens2Sea »

/me huggles Robban

what he said \o/