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Diff't points, diff't goals

Posted: 21-08-2003 19:16
by Dogfather
I don't know if this has been brought up already or not, but has the idea of having different shots worth diff't points been discussed?

Say 1 point for a shot.. 2 points for a volley.. 3 for a carry in. Maybe 2 for a long shot.

Just seems crap sometimes when you make a badass goal that took forever to setup and it's a measely point.


Posted: 21-08-2003 19:53
by RaGe|DB
uugh, point system isnt there anymore >_< , lol rage scored 3/0 goals for makin 1 volley? \o/

Posted: 21-08-2003 20:13
by -plær-
meh, it's the same in any sport/game. That 25 yard half-volley is (and should always be) worth the same as a deflection in off someone's arse.

anyway, aren't we trying to dissuade the volley whores?

Posted: 21-08-2003 20:26
by L33FY
/me introduces plaer to bastketball

Posted: 21-08-2003 21:14
by kaot
lacrosse scores extra for long shots too. if anything that's deathball's closest real-life counterpart.

Posted: 21-08-2003 21:43
by DavidM
"Say 1 point for a shot.. 2 points for a volley.. 3 for a carry in."

awful awful awful

i dont wanna decide how, i just need to get it in!
stuff like this has a BIG effect on the whole game and would most likely kill it

Posted: 21-08-2003 21:52
by RaGe|DB
DavidM wrote: "Say 1 point for a shot.. 2 points for a volley.. 3 for a carry in."

awful awful awful

i dont wanna decide how, i just need to get it in!
stuff like this has a BIG effect on the whole game and would most likely kill it

yeah, people like to be good and maybe waste chances to walk it in :/

Posted: 21-08-2003 21:54
by DavidM
ya stuff like that...

Posted: 21-08-2003 22:05
by theberkin8or
there should be a touchdown (walk in) option just for fun... wouldn't be too hard to code and am sure it could be fun for a short amount of time

Posted: 21-08-2003 22:11
by Dogfather
DavidM wrote: stuff like this has a BIG effect on the whole game and would most likely kill it

You mean kill it faster than the slow death that it's going through right now?


Posted: 22-08-2003 01:51
by FireCell
I remember tds were really fun on an american server, that was running a roof top map.. it had jump pads on the level.. anyway it was fun =-)

Posted: 22-08-2003 07:16
by Surge
lol.. that level OWNED


2 boosters on each side... with a tripple jump you could land going really fast in the enemies net... really fun to play.

Posted: 22-08-2003 09:43
by -plær-
L33FY wrote: /me introduces plaer to bastketball

heh, that's quite ironic actually, considering the map that I'm currently working on ;)

Posted: 22-08-2003 10:16
by Surge
if DB was changed so the creses were rounded, the scoring system could easily be changed because distance would become a factor considering how easy it is to shoot straight on and side shots because they're closer to the goal than the top corenrs.

If the pbox's were rounded a goal from inside could be worth 2 and a shot from outside could be worth 3. But then again, that will never happen because David M is a stubborn fagtard and wants to play soccer instead of a completely new and different sport that DB started out as.

Posted: 22-08-2003 10:25
by L33FY
-plær- wrote: heh, that's quite ironic actually, considering the map that I'm currently working on ;)

Jah, but you still get different points in basketball for different shots :eek: