Deathball = Drugball

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Deathball = Drugball

Post by RaGe*NL* »

[20:04:27] <Holy_Surfing> ya see what drugs do to ya? stay away from 'em!
[20:04:31] <RaGe^HUrray> i know >_<
[20:04:36] <RaGe^HUrray> thats why i stay away from davidm
[20:04:39] <RaGe^HUrray> he gives drugs for free
[20:04:46] <DRZ-1-Dangerous> !TEAM
[20:04:47] <Aso> kewl
[20:04:47] <DB_PickupX> 04Type: 20min pure db @cube - 2 Currently :3 7/10 - Keepers: My5t Defenders: Shugar16v , DRZ-1-Dangerous Attackers: pX|Goldengun , Capital_G`D , [4K^Gobby] , Holy_Surfing
[20:04:47] <pX|Goldengun> lol
[20:04:53] <pX|Goldengun> Rofl rage
[20:04:56] <RaGe^HUrray> but there is a catch, he wants u to play DB for drugs
[20:05:05] <RaGe^HUrray> thats why most DB players (like holy) are hooker on drugs
[20:05:11] <Capital_G`D> o//
[20:05:14] <pX|Goldengun> hey aso
[20:05:20] <Holy_Surfing> :O
[20:05:25] <pX|Goldengun> .<.>.
[20:05:26] <RaGe^HUrray> hooked*
[20:05:26] <RaGe^HUrray> :p
[20:05:28] <RaGe^HUrray> not hooker xD
[20:05:30] <Aso> o_O
[20:05:31] <Chick-kun> O_o
[20:05:32] <Holy_Surfing> aye !
[20:05:33] <Capital_G`D> Deathball is a secret cover for worldwhide drugs-dealling
[20:05:38] <RaGe^HUrray> yep!
[20:05:41] <Holy_Surfing> lmao
[20:05:42] <Aso> kewl
[20:05:44] <RaGe^HUrray> and davidM is just a small dealer!@
[20:05:56] <RaGe^HUrray> Epic is teh boss
[20:06:00] <Capital_G`D> o//
[20:06:01] <Holy_Surfing> i bet Jr is the big man -_-
[20:06:06] <Capital_G`D> Epic is cool
[20:06:09] <Capital_G`D> They made UT
[20:06:12] <Capital_G`D> and UT2k3
[20:06:12] <RaGe^HUrray> no, jr is just a transsexual
[20:06:13] *** |Still| ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:06:15] <RaGe^HUrray> he is distraction
[20:06:18] <Capital_G`D> and....stuff
[20:06:20] <RaGe^HUrray> so we dont see who the dealers are
[20:06:20] <Holy_Surfing> oh x_X
[20:06:33] *** Oliva`Deathball is now known as Oliva18
[20:06:33] <Oliva18> !add d
[20:06:35] <DB_Pickup> Type: 20min pure db @cube - Currently : 8/10 - Keepers: My5t Defenders: Shugar16v , DRZ-1-Dangerous , Oliva18 Attackers: pX|Goldengun , Capital_G`D , [4K^Gobby] , Holy_Surfing
[20:06:36] <RaGe^HUrray> get it? i know all the positions and stuff
[20:06:36] <Holy_Surfing> (ack, only been away for a month, jeez...!)
[20:06:38] <Oliva18> \o/
[20:06:53] <RaGe^HUrray> holy, this shit has been longer then today
[20:07:11] *** AC|Sixty|M ( Quit (Signed off)
[20:07:21] <Capital_G`D> Deathball is actually a codename for <fill in drug here> , look: pure db << its pure
[20:07:21] <RaGe^HUrray> lol dont u see?!?!? all the germans that play (alot!) they all got drugs by davidm, he lives in germany!
[20:07:30] <pX|Goldengun> lol
[20:07:31] <RaGe^HUrray> every country has it owns DB (drugs) Provider!
[20:07:35] <[RoV]PhatMal> is here somebody with admin for dbl3???
[20:07:42] <pX|Goldengun> !addtype DrugBall
[20:07:44] *** DB_Pickup changes topic to 'Ready for next match - Admin is pX|Goldengun - Game Type : DrugBall - cube - Server:'
[20:07:45] <RaGe^HUrray> its true!
[20:07:45] <RaGe^HUrray> :p
[20:07:47] <Holy_Surfing> x_X
[20:07:48] <pX|Goldengun> lol
[20:07:51] <Capital_G`D> oO
[20:08:05] <Capital_G`D> new mod: Deathball with Funky lightning
[20:08:05] <Holy_Surfing> oh dear /o\
[20:08:08] <DRZ-1-Dangerous> !TEAM
[20:08:10] <DB_PickupX> Type: DrugBall - Currently : 8/10 - Keepers: My5t Defenders: Shugar16v , DRZ-1-Dangerous , Oliva18 Attackers: pX|Goldengun , Capital_G`D , [4K^Gobby] , Holy_Surfing
[20:08:13] <Capital_G`D> lighting

OK SEE, now i want to know every country's drugsdealers, so germany = DavidM
tell me the rest!
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Post by fro »

<froste> eh?

ps, uk importer/chief tester is robotojon
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Post by KandyFLip »

god damn the pusher man.

want some Kandy? :p
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Post by Robotojon »

STFu froste ahhh shit

if anyone wants me , ill be in mexico
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Post by Dogfather »

mexico? don't you know it's full of mexicans....
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Post by speedy »

i dont take drugs its illegal :O
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Post by FireCell »

drugs are bad mmmmkay

Post by Golde[nG]un »

lol rage... u make it public... #dbpickup is a dealercenter
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Post by speedy »

ah drugs are expensive
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Post by f1end »

Not if u get them at cost ;)

/me goes to look at pupils in mirror...takes 3 hours :eek:
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Post by drifter »

* passes left…

…to Mexico, 3 hours in the mirror, that's one of 2 scenario's...
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Post by XiLLeRaToR »

heh, damn str8 its left:P