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IF you click on this, you love DavidM

Posted: 30-07-2003 14:58
by BlackFlame
now just sit back and count

Posted: 30-07-2003 15:02
by BlackFlame
feckin hell 70 ppl in 2 mins love davidm

Posted: 30-07-2003 15:04
by Fruitcake
i love DavidM !!!!1111oneone
/me huggles DavidM

Posted: 30-07-2003 16:18
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
I r wub him o/

He made deathball :eek:
Too bad he does a p00p job at it sometimes :p meh..and sometimes it's just so much joy to bitch :rolleyes:
(shud we pick a new target? surge and davidm = getting ooold)

Posted: 03-08-2003 07:47
by DavidM
this thread needs more views \o

Posted: 03-08-2003 08:11
by YoYo789
i didn't click on it. i viewed source and copyed the link and heh presto no clicky = no lovey.

Posted: 03-08-2003 23:11
by Cenotaph

Posted: 04-08-2003 09:39
by h3r3tic
I r in love with David....

Posted: 06-08-2003 03:47
by speedy
oops i accidentally click the link0r

Posted: 07-01-2006 01:17
by Messy

Posted: 07-01-2006 01:21
by BunnyS
I didn't really click .....honest ..... ^^

Posted: 07-01-2006 01:24
by DavidM
DavidM wrote: this thread needs more views \o

Posted: 07-01-2006 14:15
by beefsack
viewcount +1

Posted: 07-01-2006 14:46
by BunnyS
damn it, I couldn't resist clicking this again ^^

Posted: 07-01-2006 16:51
by [GR]Kermit
I have to say that i honestly love DavidM.
But he is still a bastard for removing the n00bcannon in 1.3b .... :D