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"He's on fire!" mutator

Posted: 28-07-2003 04:59
by Bodom
Can we get an "On fire" mutator like in many sports games now, such as NBA Jam or NFL Blitz. Basically, after one person scores 3 goals in a row, he'd be considered on fire until the other team scores. On fire players run faster, have a harder shot, jump higher, and have a more powerful boost. Just an idea for a fun mutator to spice up the game in pubs.

Posted: 28-07-2003 05:17
by Surge
just what V3 needs, another mutator to assist in the raping of clans...

go away jerk, you win by enough already

Posted: 28-07-2003 05:33
by gnomeh
Sounds like a fun mutator..
and surge, we didn't start anything with you, so please be quiet and noone respond to his nonsense please.

Posted: 28-07-2003 05:46
by Notorius_G.I.B.
Surgio, it is posts like this that hurt your good posts may.

Posted: 28-07-2003 05:59
by Bodom
Anybody that played NBA Jam or NFL Blitz would love this :D


Posted: 28-07-2003 06:08
by uberslacker
i actually like this idea, but only for pubs duh :)

Posted: 28-07-2003 07:12
by Hoju
it couldn't be in the dbl anyway, no mutators allowed.

Anyways it sounds fun, maybe there should be one for defenders and keepers, like if you kill 5 guys without being killed, your boosts go farther and you do more damage to the ballcarrier (this would last for a minute or so). if the keeper makes like 10 saves without being scored upon, he can move faster or something for a minute or so.

Posted: 28-07-2003 07:50
by Bodom
While on fire, an attacker could shoot rockets by using mouse3!

Posted: 28-07-2003 08:10
by Heretic
Bodom wrote: While on fire, an attacker could shoot rockets by using mouse3!

what if they don't have a mouse3!?!

(i have 2 replies 2 this)

if u dont have a mouse3 u = n00b...

HA!! u idiot!! not every1 has a mouse 3!!! PWNT! kthx next! :D:cool:

Posted: 28-07-2003 08:15
by Larc
heretic, you bind commands to a key/button. it isn't hard coded to a particular button or key. where you connect the command to is your choice... if you dont have mouse3... then use some other key ;)

Posted: 28-07-2003 08:46
by Heretic
larc... im not stupid ok!!! its just he SPECIFICALY SAID Mouse3.... so ... i made that comment...

Posted: 28-07-2003 08:52
by Surge
you can bind mouse3 to anything on your keyboard with the proper utilities from

Posted: 28-07-2003 11:35
by Onge
It's a rubbish idea. Rewarding a player who has scored a hat-trick by making them faster etc will just give this player an unfair advantage over the rest. Maybe it could be put into the 1 player mode (when/if the bots are up-to-speed) but online this would totally suck.

Posted: 28-07-2003 13:29
by Diab
an on fire mut would be fun for a few games, or clan friendlys when bored one night. but too much and the player will be able to score too easy.

Posted: 28-07-2003 13:57
by Fallen
when you do a banana shot u can control it like using the redeemer's secondary fire.......o//