magic idea..

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magic idea..

Post by gutterflower »

ehh how about having a "magic player" to balance teams, so if one team has 1 more person than the other, that person becomes the magic player, they get a magic player icon and flash a certain colour to everyone else, like the goalie or something.

if a blue person passes to this player he locks onto blues players, to pass to them. if i red player passes to him vice versa..

just throwing up ideas. probably wouldnt work because of cheaters and newbs
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Post by Sequa »

sounds funny :D I like the least for public games :)
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Post by DavidM »

huh, dunno what that player would do 0_o
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Post by gutterflower »

the idea is that the magic player can play for both teams, to make things even. If a red player passes to him his gun locks onto red players. so he is temporarily on red team. if a blue player passes to him same deal
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Post by DavidM »

that would be a mess, wouldnt work
lots of missunderstandings, the magic player wouldnt know what to do, very confusing
you do a fault pass, but then the enemy player you passed to turns into a friend

nah :/
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Post by gutterflower »

like i said would work fine if it werent for newbs, but sadly they mess things up :|
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Post by Surge »

that means he couldnt play defense though... if he blocked a shot, it would register as a pass and he'd become an offensive player... i'd need some serious tweaking.
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

I have an idea!!

Just make that player a spectator kthx :p (eeck @ kthx-word ^^;)
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Post by Surge »

ya, like a players have to be an even number (2, 4, 6, etc...) and if they arnt the next player on the team with more players to die cant respawn untill the number is even again. Just a thought.
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Post by Diab »

or last 2 joined users (on that team) spawn after each other like a rally. so teams are 4-5 and on the 5 player team one person is always spec untill someone dies, and then the specced spawns and the dead player has to wait for someone else to die.

maby good for 8 v 8's , with 3 specs a team :P
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Post by DavidM »

in general thats no problem in FFA anyway 0_o
the real FFA probs cannot be fixed

i dont care if we play 4on5 for a moment
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Post by kaot »

how about the extra guy just gets automatically switched to the losing team? then if they take the lead the guy goes back to the other team.
Last edited by kaot on 28-07-2003 17:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by theberkin8or »

i like the extra player gets switched to the losing team (for pubs only of course), it always seemed like the team that was winning would always get the extra player which sucked
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Post by f1end »

It is annoying....b4 1.5 uneven teams weren't as much of a problem...a good player could still beat 2 n00bs, as soon as the nubers are uneven, thegame becomes biased.
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Post by R3L!K »

surely that's a good sign :o