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Volley suggestions

Posted: 26-07-2003 19:22
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Altho im not all for changing volleys, seeing as it works good now, and im definitely not sure about this yet, i just want to c what u all think, and maybe start a little discussion etc.

I've heard more and more talk about more depth in db (meh..3 posts is a lot ;) *cough*) and i just thought of a few suggestions i might as well post.

First of all, im NOT trying to throw over the game entirely, and im NOT trying to convince ppl or posting a poll to make ppl vote and say "Ha! davidm, i r right and u mæk game teh suck!!11", nah, just posting my ideas and hoping the subject will be talked about more :p.

Neway, back to the point, because it's clearly obvious every1 prefers volleys above shots (sometimes, sadly) and for a reason. They're much too easy for their power (my opinion :p bring on the discussion once again ;) but w8 first and read the rest).

So here, a few suggestions to make volley harder to do, and less overpowered.

First of all:

-Bring back volley power to about 400 less than now, yes this may not seem like much, but a lot of rules that will follow will allow u to add to this, this would make the default volley power to begin with 1400, as it is now 1800 by default.

-Keep the current "move forward = more power"-rule, but expand it a little. First of all, make the volley power u get by moving forward about 2000uu w/o sprint, with sprint, make this about 2500 (!), yse, 2500, which is a lot, and even more than now. BUT, when sprinting, make the volley radius and aimcone actually go smaller (to about 60% of what it is now), so it will be harder to pull off (since ur concentrating on running real hard for a shot sprint, which is acceptable and realistic in a way). Also when going sideways, take off 100, so ull get a 1300uu shot.
When going backwards, take off 400 (!), ull get a p00p shot, but at least its still enough and u can pull off some stuff with this, as a last resort, also when ur boosted back, u can mostly still score now, but when this is implemented, ull end up with a bad shot.
Also, when running/jumping backwards, u might also wanna make the aimcone and range smaller to anywhere between 40 and 70% of what it is now, because a volley shudnt be done as easily when moving backwards.

-Bring back the rule where assist power changes the volley shot's power. I remember something like this (where volley power was added to shot power) being used in an early version of db when volley was just implemented (right? ^^;), and it was a good idea. Because atm, u can make a slow shot into just as hard of a volley as u can do with a faster and harder-to-hit assist. If this is implemented, teams will have to make the assists harder, lay off the cata-whoring (or regular right-click passes on the ground), and it will make volleys more skill based.
Make it so that the slowest shot will take off about 500uu, and the hardest shot will actually add 100 or 200uu, make this either a gradual system, using -400 on a 1% loaded shot, and +100/200uu on 99% loaded, and just make everything in between range gradually between that, or make it a layer system, with about 3/4 layers, like -400, -250, +0, +100/200.
A volley on an overload shot shud have either no bonus, or a -100uu decrease of power.

-Make assist direction matter for the volley. Atm, most volleys are done on perpendicular (is that the right word? ^^;) assists, which is perfectly acceptable and logical strategically. Yet i think there should be an award for both volleying shots from the back, and from the front. Both would have to either add 200/300, or make volleys from shots that go the same way as the volley is targeted result in a volley bonus of +300, and make the assists towards u, give a bonus of +100/200.

I hope you all like my ideas, mind u im not sure about the numbers yet, and i know some stuff is way too hard to code unless u use a layer system (especially last 2 points). All i know is that the basic power u start with shud be a lot lower than it is now (preferably lower than 80% shot power, dunno what that is :)). Also it should be like that that the perfect volley would be near unreachable, and only the best attackers of division one (certainly not all) should be able to do this consistanly, possible tweak this as ppl gradually get better.

This would result in the worst shot being either a:
-Volley shot on a low-powered shot from the side, while moving backwards, using sprint (which in this case doznt add more forward power, but does make ur aimcone/range smaller);
-Volley shot on a low-powered shot from the side, while moving sideways, using sprint (which in this case doznt add more forward power, but does make ur aimcone/range smaller).

The best shot would be a Volley shot on a 99% charged shot (or at least just before overload), moving forward, the assist going the same way as the volley is targeted, using sprint.

This all would result in:
- More depth;
- More need for skill in perfect volleys;
- More use of shots ("hopefully" and "hopefully eventually" :D);
- More types of attackers or teams changing tactics to a less volley orientated one (because perfect volleys would take too much skill);
- Maybe more teams/players wanting to use sprint, because it will actually have more of a tactical advantage than now (which is minimal now, just because mostly sprint is abused and certainly not used tactically); and
-Less whoring of the "catalyst"-move, which is done by passing (= semi-slow shot) directly at some1 in the air, mostly moving backwards on the last jump (which is mostly when the ball will be actually volleyed), and also mostly assisted from the side, thus making it less effective with the new rules. Hence, the cata would only be really usefull against weak defense, as a last resort, or when there's not enough time, like when a counter needs to be finished fast before more defense arrives.

I hope you all have read these suggestions, now let the discussions begin ;)

(ps: im sure i forgot something, but u will get the idea mainly just out of the 4 points above)

[edit]Listed the "results" list in a more easily viewable list[/edit]
[edit]Added another result[/edit]

Posted: 26-07-2003 20:41
by Surge
i like the idea of less powerful vollies for all the wall volley whores, thats for sure.

The other idea i like is the volley power + shot power idea where a volley from a direct shot will be more powerful than one from a targetted pass or wall volley.

The only problem is if they miss the game gets spammy, people get yelled at, people complain, DB gets further hurt by it.

Posted: 26-07-2003 22:05
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Meh it will mostly either be a slower shot = less spammy, or if the player is really skilled or lucky to get all good circumstances, he will either score if the first, or miss on a very rare situation, which will only happen to that player once, maybe twice a match.

All in all, i think it will prevent spam more (in a way ;)), neway, meh..discuss on :p this is just something i thought of, getting a better idea to me the more i think of it tbh :P too bad no1 actually cares enough to read the whole post (i guess :(). Really want some opinions about this tho =\ ^^;

Posted: 26-07-2003 22:18
by Harold|ZBN
hmm not sure its a lot of changes.. also im not really a volleywhore myself so i cant really judge what all these changes will do. however i do think that when making changes like this care should be taken not to make it to hard, to avoid making a good clan have an even bigger advantage because they can volley easier. i know a good clan is just better but it shouldnt be made so hard that only top players can volley properly, this imo would really make db a lot worse.

Posted: 26-07-2003 22:31
by Fruitcake
well base ur decisions on this: more skill = more power

Posted: 26-07-2003 22:47
by Surge
i dont think it will prevent it Messy... look at give and go's and 1 timers in hockey... they work better because it makes the goaley change where hes looking. A cross volley will always be more effective than a shot just because of mis-direction.

Re: Volley suggestions

Posted: 27-07-2003 00:11
by YoYo789
Originally posted by MeSSiaH{FCU}

-Keep the current "move forward = more power"-rule, but expand it a little. First of all, make the volley power u get by moving forward about 2000uu w/o sprint, with sprint, make this about 2500 (!), yse, 2500, which is a lot, and even more than now. BUT, when sprinting, make the volley radius and aimcone actually go smaller (to about 60% of what it is now), so it will be harder to pull off (since ur concentrating on running real hard for a shot sprint, which is acceptable and realistic in a way). Also when going sideways, take off 100, so ull get a 1300uu shot.
When going backwards, take off 400 (!), ull get a p00p shot, but at least its still enough and u can pull off some stuff with this, as a last resort, also when ur boosted back, u can mostly still score now, but when this is implemented, ull end up with a bad shot.
Also, when running/jumping backwards, u might also wanna make the aimcone and range smaller to anywhere between 40 and 70% of what it is now, because a volley shudnt be done as easily when moving backwards.

-Bring back the rule where assist power changes the volley shot's power. I remember something like this (where volley power was added to shot power) being used in an early version of db when volley was just implemented (right? ^^;), and it was a good idea. Because atm, u can make a slow shot into just as hard of a volley as u can do with a faster and harder-to-hit assist. If this is implemented, teams will have to make the assists harder, lay off the cata-whoring (or regular right-click passes on the ground), and it will make volleys more skill based.
Make it so that the slowest shot will take off about 500uu, and the hardest shot will actually add 100 or 200uu, make this either a gradual system, using -400 on a 1% loaded shot, and +100/200uu on 99% loaded, and just make everything in between range gradually between that, or make it a layer system, with about 3/4 layers, like -400, -250, +0, +100/200.
A volley on an overload shot shud have either no bonus, or a -100uu decrease of power.

When you volley a ball, u use a gun. Also, volleying the ball does not affect your motion. This leads to the conclusion that the gun does all the work (work=eneegy input) in volleying the ball. This is not a collision, but merely doing work on the ball, modifying its kinetic energy and direction.

So, the only factors which should affect the resulting velocity are the initial velocity of the ball (which includes its direction) and the power output of the ballgun. The playerspeed (or direction) should have no effect on the ball's velocity.

I know that deathball is not supposed to model real-world mechanics perfectly, but it seems to do so reasonable closely, and to maintain internal consistency, the following needs to be done:

- The velocity (including direction) of the player should have no effect on a volley.
- The velocity of the ball before volleying should effect the velocity after volleying.

However, the simplest solution would be to have a "smart" shield-gun which dynamically adjusts the power and direction of a volley, so that the volley always has the same power. This is easiest to code and easiest to play. To add an unrealistic factor such as the velocity of the player makes volleying confusing. To add a realistic factor such as the initial velocity of the ball, is good and would certainly nerf wall volleys a bit more, but would be slightly harder to code.

Posted: 27-07-2003 00:28
by DavidM
Ehm, you cannot just change stuff to change the gameplay, it also has to look right
I would love to decrease volleypower for wallkids to half, but it would seem wrong, like a bug. All your volley power ideas would cause this problem.
Lower volley power = booo
They have to be good, because against a good def you will never get the opportunity to pull of one. It's not like you can volley whenever you want to...against certain teams you can....

I certainly wanna do something against wallkids (also cause their move is useless, but then they would finally stop trying it!!), but that would not be the right way.

What people call "cross volley" is no serious problem. Defenders got used to it, and it's impossible to do it against good defs by now.

Re: Re: Volley suggestions

Posted: 27-07-2003 00:49
by YoYo789
YoYo789 wrote: However, the simplest solution would be to have a "smart" shield-gun which dynamically adjusts the power and direction of a volley, so that the volley always has the same power.
if you want to keep it simple then ^^^^^^. all volleys same power in the direction of aim.

Posted: 27-07-2003 00:55
by DavidM
thats what 1.6 was like
constant 2000 volley speed

Posted: 27-07-2003 00:59
by YoYo789
i liked the volleys in 1.6

i hate the fact that if i volley a cross which i am moving backwards to get behind, it goes slow. if i was volleying a backwall bounce which was moving backwards then i would accept the lack of speed.

Posted: 27-07-2003 01:51
by Sequa
I don't like any of the ideas. The gameplay is perfect as it is now.

"move forward = more power"

Maybe this can be used for boosts as well. So the keeper can boost players much further when dodging towar the player

Posted: 27-07-2003 02:23
by YoYo789
but it makes no sense, and makes getting a better volley/boost as trivial as being in forward motion, a completely arbitrary thing, whcih is completely unrelated to the difficulty of the vollye.

Posted: 27-07-2003 17:31
by NightSpirit|ZBN
DavidM wrote: I certainly wanna do something against wallkids (also cause their move is useless, but then they would finally stop trying it!!), but that would not be the right way.

Hmmm, maybe if you got rid of all the flat back walls then they wouldn't try it so much? Volleying of the back wall was much more difficult on the old db-curve yet you asked for this to be changed so that it was easier to volley off the back wall. :rolleyes:

Posted: 27-07-2003 17:42
by DavidM
the old wall in curve will come back
i plan to do the same in cube
but I am affraid 90% of the players (wallkids) will complain