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Flatliners apology to Div3 :) *EDITED* LEAVING SRY :(

Posted: 25-07-2003 09:12
by Sk@nK



well heres the prob -

- Im CL of Flatliners (although it dont say founder on dbl - i handed over ;)) and at the moment im typing this from my m8s Mac (shock!!!!) 200 odd miles from me own PC .....
Been offline for last week (moved house) and wont be back playing til 31st July (and then on temporary connection).

Thing is a lot of my clan helpers/regular db'rs have also been AWOL due to hols season starting, so we have found it difficult to keep up with all our matches (ClanBase as well - sorry for swearing hehe)
The first one we missed was NOT our fault though (SIS can we play next week or sumthin?)
So at the moment our db team has been a bit lacking ....

Now, im back next week and will be in touch with all the appropriate clan CLs to sort out playing our missed/rearranged matches thru IRC etc., so until then im basically posting here as way of apology :( AND to let u all know i will be doing me best to sort the backlog and arrange upcoming.

I would just like to say (and if this ok with league admin) i REALLY would prefer to PLAY belated matches rather than concede as default - coz then our opponents wont miss out on all that juicy goal diff ... :P
Also that i am aware that if this was 3 matches in a row (noshow) we could get kicked - BUT 1st match missed we DID have 5 ppl waiting to play in server when they had just 1 :(, and i tried to warn for yesterday too.

I dunno if any other of my db members HAVE tried to contact dbl admin or other CLs as im not on any mess progs on m8s comp, so i thought i best post just in case - and let Div3 know Flatliners aint dead - just on holiday.

So please accept this grovel and i speak to as many div3 dbl'ers as i can when back next week !!!

Ch33r5 All .. from [___/]
IRC on quakent = (i cant find the HASH sign on this fikin Mac keyboard lol)flatlinersclan

Posted: 25-07-2003 09:20
by Axl
im sure it would be ok, starting this new season in DBL during this big holiday period was prolly the most stupid thing they could have done.. a lot of clans have suffered from it, and this season has been far from fun for a lot of people.. :(

Posted: 25-07-2003 09:55
by Sk@nK
yeh .. true .. cheers axl.

i love playing db and was lookin 4ward to dbl as change from insta toting madness in cb (there i go swearing again), and at the mo' i cant even tell whats goin on in me own clan coz i cant get onto our forum/webirc (sited down :() and i me m8s mac (another swearword lol) dont have no messenger progs -

so least i could do was post here ;):eek: ;)

Posted: 04-09-2003 23:13
by Sk@nK
And now .... the time has come ...

SORRY but we just ain;t cuttin' the mustard so its time for us to bow out

I emailed THIS to Bazzi >>>

yeh i think u saw in #deathball IRC

basically... we are really struggling to sort out DBL matches so i think it fairest on all involved if we just leave DBL altogether.

Pls accept my apologies and all the best with the DBL .. it rox .. unfortunately we don't lol

We will still play DB as clan but only friendlies until we at least get a decent team together.

Sry once again for being a pain in the arse

AND GL for DB in ut2004 or whereever .... :)



and i also went and told in #deathball what the situ now was


*** Channel #deathball was created at Sun Apr 13 05:54:38 2003
*** Join to #deathball completed in 2 seconds.
<[FL]SkAnK|f00d> hello
<[FL]SkAnK|f00d> i think Flatliners defo had enough
<[FL]SkAnK|f00d> :)
<[FL]SkAnK|f00d> oops
<[FL]SkAnK|f00d> *:(
<[FL]SkAnK|f00d> how do we go about leaving the DBL .... SRY :Z
<Mae-WC> i'm sure DavidM will be heart broken
*** [FL]SkAnK|f00d is now known as [FL]SkAnK
<CorDawg> tell bazzi think
*** Sixty|AFK is now known as Sixty
<[FL]SkAnK> well .. i dunno if u bein sincere there
<CorDawg> or post it in forums
<[FL]SkAnK> BUT ... i an sya this
<[FL]SkAnK> I as in ME .. i love DB
<[FL]SkAnK> its just
<BazziX> email me
<[FL]SkAnK> the rest of my clan (except trigger) dont seem so keen any more
<[FL]SkAnK> ok Bazzi
<BazziX> kthx
<CorDawg> thats what happened to v3
<[FL]SkAnK> errm soz man :(
<Sixty> flatliners o0 never saw 1 of u play :S
<[FL]SkAnK> exactly Sixty
* plaer|eating is back after 40m: eat0ring
*** plaer|eating is now known as plaer`
*** FeE^JA is now known as FeE^ET
<plaer`> heh, now White can take FlatLiners place :p
<Sixty> everyone got DW from u guys :(
<[FL]SkAnK> thats good is there a replacement
<Sixty> why were u never there?
<[FL]SkAnK> err
<[FL]SkAnK> thats not wuite true
<[FL]SkAnK> it wasnt never m8
<[FL]SkAnK> sry im typo king lol
*** Decimator ( has joined channel #deathball
<[FL]SkAnK> we play in 5 + CB ladders as well U C (sry to swear lol)
<Sixty> lol
*** Sixty is now known as Sixty|AFK|again
<[FL]SkAnK> and ... well we crap in them too .. and we play this game for fun u know
<[FL]SkAnK> so we wanna praccy that more
<[FL]SkAnK> BUT ... i tell u one thing
<[FL]SkAnK> b4 we joined DBL ... there where 4 or 5 members who always rounded night off with DB
<[FL]SkAnK> u know ... chill from fraggin init
<[FL]SkAnK> ah well
*** Wib|food is now known as Wibs|db
<[FL]SkAnK> ill prolly play it more in pub;s now lol
<[FL]SkAnK> except 1 thing .... used to REALLY put me off
<[FL]SkAnK> and im sure u heard it b4
<[FL]SkAnK> its ppl used to DB who scare off n00ns
<[FL]SkAnK> by moaning
<[FL]SkAnK> really got my goat
<[FL]SkAnK> anyway ... ill email Bazzi soon
<[FL]SkAnK> cya all


so there ya go ... i tried

soz again and GL to all DB'ers :)

Sk@nK ~ n ~ out :(

Posted: 04-09-2003 23:27
by Sk@nK
btw as for sixty saying and i quote from #deathball >

<Sixty> everyone got DW from u guys
<[FL]SkAnK> thats good is there a replacement
<Sixty> why were u never there?
<[FL]SkAnK> err
<[FL]SkAnK> thats not wuite true
<[FL]SkAnK> it wasnt never m8
<[FL]SkAnK> sry im typo king lol

we actuallly only DW ONE match

although we got 2 to be played outstanding

soz :/

Posted: 05-09-2003 15:54
by Sixty
>< soz i meant no offense i just never heard of 1 match against Flatliners being played :(
btw, i like the way u handle ur business, saying sorry in public and stuff and not just pack yur bags and get out ><
(delivering my dear friend David a sleeples night) :lol:

Posted: 05-09-2003 20:29
by Sk@nK
Sixty wrote: >< soz i meant no offense i just never heard of 1 match against Flatliners being played :(
btw, i like the way u handle ur business, saying sorry in public and stuff and not just pack yur bags and get out ><
(delivering my dear friend David a sleeples night) :lol:

Thats kewl Sixty ... no offence taken

just wanted to point out that we did only miss 2 or 3 and one of those was actually not our fault :)

anyway ... thx for ur reply > damn rite we say soz rather than just doing one .... ;)

lol - thing is we ain't quitting DB in fact this has made some of my DB ppl only wanna do better (wether in a future DBL, or what i dunno) ... but 1st we need g00d players and better training.

So thats what we doin'

Thx all and GL to everyone involved in DB and DBL ..... (its modtastic !)


Posted: 06-09-2003 15:07
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Sk@nK wrote: <plaer`> heh, now White can take FlatLiners place :p

oi :(

Posted: 09-09-2003 16:20
by Dream Killer
You should be apoligizing to Flatline, an NA clan whos name you pretty much stole ya unoriginal Euros. :D

Posted: 09-09-2003 17:56
by Sk@nK
hmmm err NO

we been Flatliners since game came out on ... just not been in DB as long :P

and besides ... never heard of 'em and we friends with another clan called Flatlinerz (UK) ..

popular init :p

.... oh yeah just 1 other thing.

Can't really say i give a toss m8 :eek:

Posted: 09-09-2003 20:10
by Dream Killer
Well one I wasn't serious, and two, Flatline has been around since the original UT, has over 35 members and can kick any other poser clans ass.

Posted: 10-09-2003 00:11
by Sk@nK
yeah well our clan formed to play online scrabble first in 1982 so nehhhhh

and as per them kickin' arse >>

yeah probably .... we're shite :P

... like i said m8 ... dont really give a toss. :eek:

Posted: 10-09-2003 01:56
by Dream Killer
On a side note, and this is a legitimate question, what exactly is a toss?

Posted: 10-09-2003 02:07
by -plær-
Verb, English (slang)
To Toss: to masturbate
Tosser: one who masturbates
Tosspot: recipient of the results of aforementioned masturbation

- "he/she/it is a fucking tosspot"
- "What a tosser"
- "I don't give a toss"

almost as versatile as "fuck" to be honest...

Posted: 10-09-2003 09:14
by Axl
lol superb