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Set breaks

Posted: 24-07-2003 19:45
by gutterflower
considering we're implementing/ed real tennis scoring, we've decided to set the default set count to 1. making it about a 24 point limit..

there will be an option to set the number of sets you want to a 3 set game this brings the limit up to 74, so the minimum points to win is 74 O_O obviously this could take a while, considering some players have long rallys and obviously it wont be 74 - 0.

so im wondering if you'd like to see a set break, either a set time limit between sets, say 2 minutes, for you to have a break. or prephaps using the "click when ready" system

are these useful? or pointless? will you use them?

Posted: 24-07-2003 21:29
by fs|Pele
if you put an option where you can choose the # of sets you want to play and maybe the # of games in that set , if a 3 setter is too long , then just play for 1 set but a time option is to my opinion too hasty and doesnt really define who the better player is . i think long rallys are good snce it shows that the 2 players are kinda equal to eachother and it is a quality game instead of serving every 5 secs cause none of them can do a descent rally

Posted: 24-07-2003 21:30
by gutterflower
ahh god pele did you even read my post

Posted: 25-07-2003 06:39
by Surge
breaks are un-necessary for 1v1... 2v2, you might want to for some team chit-chat and strategizing but otherwise its practidcally useless.

Of course you may need the occasion pee/soda/sandwitch/crap/vomit/etc. break...

you should prolly implement a pause system that can be used once per set per player and last 3 minutes maximum... oh, and can only be used at the beginning or end of the game (the sub-matches, not the actual game)

Posted: 25-07-2003 12:30
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Altho i dont play tennis regularly, the best would (that's my guess --->) be to have a "click when ready" moments, @ the middle of sets, or at the end of the middle set (f.e. between the 2nd and 3rd set out of 4, or at the end of 3rd out of 3), starting from a specified number of sets. Of course dont make this infinite like normally @ start of game, but just give this a 1 minute max or something (dunno ^^;). Not too short coz afaik the main thing u should be able to do in tennis is play consistent troughout the match and not fall back skillwise when u get tired or the rally goes on too long (the one with the better concentration/skill left at the end wins? :o).

[edit]Also maybe u should make the button for skipage the right click button, coz u might accidently click when u really need the pause ^^; and since there'll be less players, maybe too often this will go wrong (u should generally assume ppl are stupid, always, it will make whatever ur making/producing/whatever better :p). Maybe u should even add that when one player chooses to skip the(, for example: 1 minute) pause, the other team will only get half of the pause(, in this example that would be 30 seconds *i r math genius*,) if they _do_ want the pause.[/edit]

This _should_ however be a server option, coz i dont think ppl would care in just another friendly, or pub game or whatever.

m00 just my <insert random small amount of change>

ps: This is better than giving the option to pause during a given period of time (like surge suggested: sub-matches, which i presume he means the start and end of a match with), because it practically does the same (allow for a pause, ability to add timelimit, NOT take the pause if both dont want to) but makes it less complicated.

Posted: 25-07-2003 13:09
by Stulovesyou
Increase the power of the players shots - so the rallies are shorter... games go quicker.

Best achieved through faster charging right click.

Posted: 25-07-2003 15:52
by Mr.Monkey

You should make two settings within tennis.

One for publics, and another for "proper matches" ie wars.

So you could have the break option in wars, but not in publics, to avoid them being abused.

You could also do the "Time please" option. In tennis there is a limit to the amount of time you can take a break for (don't know it offhand) when the ump calls "time please" and the players have to go on court. This would prevent someone wandering off and not coming back for 10 mins whilst they take a shower/toss off.

So when the court ends are swapped there is a break. And longer ones at the end of sets.

EDIT- But each player could click "ready" to skip the break.[/edit]

Really need to find out what the proper rules are, and see if they would fit in with a game.

Tennis nerds have the answer?

Posted: 25-07-2003 17:19
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Basically what every1 said :p
A break every time court ends swap is too much tho O_o

ppl dont get tired as they would irl :p also i dont think matches will go on that long (dunno tho ^^: some1 tell me? :o how long do good TEN-matches take?)

Posted: 26-07-2003 04:34
by YoYo789
very approximately 2-4 pts per minute average, depending on the relative skills of the opponents, if they are unevenly matched then up to 6-7 pts per minute...

(btw i;'m talking about db tennis not real life)

so an average set might be expected to take 8-12 minutes without breaks

btw these are extremely rough estimates and calculations... i will time the next match i have against someone of a similar level to me and find out more accurate stats