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fs|pX is looking for a defender!

Posted: 21-07-2003 01:47
by blubbomat
F1R3STORM | phoenix is looking for a new teammate.

If you are a very good (!) defender, if you are familiar with advanced DB-tactics and if you are able to handle the most significant aspect as a DB-player: remembering it's only a game ;)

then you could be the man (or woman! we tolerate feminism as long as you own the opponent's attackers ;)) we are looking for.

.... :::: report yourself at irc/quakenet#firestorm or #fs.px ::::....
(or connect us at ICQ, write a mail, whatever makes you comfortable :))

Hints: be funneh and kind :D

PS: You should have time on Thursdays and Sundays (for DBL-games) and you should be online as often as possible (for funwars and training-units).

by blubbomat

Posted: 21-07-2003 11:55
by Scorp
pretty nice post, couldnt do that better :-)

Posted: 21-07-2003 12:31
by -Camel-
like the way u write 'if u r a very godd defender'. How r they gonna know if their very good by ur standards?

Posted: 21-07-2003 13:12
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
They didnt say "very godd" nor typed it >:|

pft shut up camel :p

Posted: 21-07-2003 22:35
by blubbomat
If ya think ur good, report urself and we will see :) It's all a matter of compatibility with our team, isn't it? teh game-styles need to fit to each other :)

by blubbomat

Posted: 21-07-2003 22:51
by GazMaN
i could so leave a narky nasty post regarding the "its only a game" comment, but i wont cos i think px generally are pretty cool :)

Posted: 21-07-2003 22:57
by blubbomat
hahaha you really made me laugh, mr. gaybar :) but moaning people who don't know it's only a game are seriously disturbing the harmony of a team O_O

hrhred by blubbomat

PS: teh GazMaN is rather cool too ;)

Posted: 21-07-2003 23:47
by Requiem
Good luck Px ;)

special greetz to scorpeh & $pla$ :o :D

Posted: 23-07-2003 00:28
by Khushdi
gayman isnt cool, he kicked me from his clan :p

Posted: 23-07-2003 07:19
by GazMaN
then he joined 17 clans within the next hour


Posted: 23-07-2003 11:43
by XiLLeRaToR
GazMaN wrote: then he joined 17 clans within the next hour


lol so owned

Posted: 23-07-2003 11:46
by Morning*Star
S6 -> AoV -> fs|0 -> fs|pX -> 220 -> TEZC -> sD -> fs|pX -> to be continued...

Posted: 24-07-2003 17:47
by blubbomat

the truth can't be concealed :D

Posted: 24-07-2003 18:43
by Scorp
hrhr teh kusher

Posted: 25-07-2003 00:59
by Cenotaph