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Posted: 19-07-2003 19:32
by Harold|ZBN
well since 1.7 it started and now in 1.8 its back full force. i almost never had the bug anymore, maybe once every 2 weeks. now i almost get it every 30 mins i play. :/ any1 else noticed this aswell?
davidm: do u need logs of it, if so where can i find them?

Posted: 19-07-2003 19:36
by DavidM
it is NOT deathball related, when will people finally get that
but you can help epic fixing it

when you have one of the 2 bugs type in "showweaponstats" then try to shoot, then send your logs

Posted: 19-07-2003 19:43
by Harold|ZBN
i know its not deathball related... only it changed after a new version of deathball... not after i patched ut2k3.

Posted: 19-07-2003 19:44
by DavidM
ya in your dreams, its pure random :/

Posted: 19-07-2003 21:09
by Surge
i find i only get it when i intercet passes or things that are confilcting with catch radii... by this i mean if i'm right next to someone and their catch radius is in mine but i catch the ball i usually get a bug.

Mind you that bug ALWAYS 100% disappears after getting gibbed.

Posted: 19-07-2003 21:15
by DavidM
because the weapon gets killed when you get gibbed, its a bug in the weapon...
hammerbug, shootbug, all the same
same in all other gametypes

Posted: 19-07-2003 23:31
by Harold|ZBN
hmmm well showweaponstats, show weaponstats show weapon stats i tried everything and it only says "unrecognized command"

Posted: 19-07-2003 23:38
by Surge
showweaponinfo maybe? i forget the command, but then again, i never actually used it.

Posted: 19-07-2003 23:54
by The_One
i thought it was "getweaponstats".

Posted: 20-07-2003 00:04
by DavidM
ya, getweaponstats should do it

if it does not complain ingame the command is working

so when its on try to shoot

Posted: 20-07-2003 00:58
by Surge
if you want to use this string as a bug line:

say Bug, hang on|getweaponstats|fire|bug|say reconnecting|disconnect

that line -should- say bug, hang on, active your weapon stat function, fire the weapon, say reconnecting and disconnect you from the server... if you use reconnect oppsed to disconnect there has to be an empty spot on the server because opposed to leaving and reconnecting UT2003 just trys to open a second connection to the server and then make your original connection close on connect which is retarded.

Posted: 20-07-2003 01:00
by InSaNe
Bugs will never leave like Surge...

It will always bother us annoy us, but will never leave.(Note the similarities).


Posted: 20-07-2003 01:01
by The_One

Posted: 20-07-2003 01:12
by InSaNe


Posted: 20-07-2003 01:19
by Surge
your a pretty annoying dumbass yourself insane... hopefully you have yourself fixxed to save the rest of our future offspring.