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Biggest knock on Deathball

Posted: 16-07-2003 19:31
by Twigstir
The biggest problem I still hear on deathball is the abuse of noobs. It's seems to me much better than it was, however posts in other forum indicate that it's still a problem and a big knock on the community. I've read far to many post on the subject and it has to be keeping some from trying deathball. I would like to see this community grow. Deathball 1.8 might bring in some new blood. Try to help the newbies out so they stay with the game and get better. And crush anyone who abuses them.

Re: Biggest knock on Deathball

Posted: 16-07-2003 19:40
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Twigstir wrote: Kickin Uranus

"Yeah I'm hung like planet Pluto hard to see with the naked eye
But if I crashed into Uranus I would stick it where the sun don't shine" - Bloodhound Gang (One Fierce Beer Coaster) :devil:

So.. i suck :eek: ^^; but at least i answer :p

And yes the n00b-thing is a problem, but also (and this had been said a lot too) it's very hard to get rid of because db is simply a team-game, and a chan is only as weak as its weakest link (I'm directly quoting some1 here about the same subject, i dont know who but i think it was The_One). There's no way to really change this but to make ppl shut up. But it really gets frustrated sometimes soo..i suggest the tutorial stuff comes very soon ;p

*Counting to 10 is hard sometimes, not only because i always get stuck after 6 >_<*

ps: damn u...damn u u dreadfull six..

Posted: 16-07-2003 19:55
by Twigstir
You can't prevent jerks from being what they are but, you can make an effort to help newbies out. Come to their aid, tell them to never mind the jerk, and help them out. A newbie standing alone getting abused won't be playing deathball for long.

Posted: 16-07-2003 19:57
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
^ Which i do :> I try not to use the word 'n00b' and i give them quick tips especially when im keeping X_X

But u cant explain for long even in a pub, especially not when in the field, and when they dont listen, that's where it gets annoying.

Sometimes they even begin flaming u, possibly coz they're used to 'pwning' in ctf or dm or something else, and thus thinking they can flame every1, forgetting they're back to n00bness =\

Posted: 16-07-2003 23:44
by The_One
i try to help people but alot don't want it.
if there is only a few in the server then it is easier but helping someone out in a 12v12 match is impossible.

good bots are really needed to give new guys an idea of how to play.

p.s. i never said that but i agree (although i don't think the quote is 100% accurate^^).

Posted: 17-07-2003 02:31
by Savwa
I have key binds to help. I don't stop to type in game, and I rarely pay attention to anything not associated with a speech bind. Stopping to type costs the team, a missed pass or failed boost means missed opportunities.

Simply put, I bind defensive speech with teamsay commands to communicate.

For noobs support I offer tips for boosting i.e. right click and boost a mate, aim up a little when boosting and jump when boosted for more distance. I also find that praising your mates for picks and passes goes a long way, recognizing someones positive play makes them play harder and better.

I have met and become friends with more people because of the UT series, and these are people from all over the world. The more people learn about each other, the higher the quality of life they/you will have. You cheat yourself with every missed opportunity to communicate with someone.

Posted: 17-07-2003 02:57
by gnomeh
The V3 server has been running some nice noob-friendly public games. Most of the admins are on the lookout to make sure it says friendly (including me). Although we don't try to teach anyone, its better than most places :)

Posted: 17-07-2003 03:35
by Tankazz
V3 server = god for me (~123-150 ping on 56k :cool: ) Some people are just born assholes and will never have the tolerance for those who aren't as '1337' as they are. (I am by no means, whatsoever, '1337')

Even worse than n00b-bashing are idiots that purposely score in their own goal. :ban:

Posted: 17-07-2003 14:18
by DiStUrbeD
If someone is new to a game, they should expect to be bashed. If not, they are either full of themselves, or have way too high expectations of a gaming community.

I don't see why i should help someone that come's into a game, ruins it, and when i attempt to help them, i get yelled at. And now you are complaining about us bashing them?

Fuck that.

Posted: 17-07-2003 14:41
by Twigstir
DiStUrbeD wrote: Slightly Stoopid

full of themselves
- I'd say you are.

Posted: 17-07-2003 23:57
by DiStUrbeD
How am i full of myself?

Posted: 18-07-2003 02:03
by Twigstir
DiStUrbeD wrote: If someone is new to a game, they should expect to be bashed.

ruins it....

And now you are complaining about us bashing them?

Fuck that

Above statements would give someone that impression: The following part is an understandable issue:
when i attempt to help them, i get yelled at.

Posted: 18-07-2003 02:36
by DiStUrbeD
When someone doesn't appear to know how to pass or volley or whatnot, i let them know how, and they just say "stfu noob"

so fuck them, im not gonna kiss thier ass because they are new

Posted: 18-07-2003 04:34
by Twigstir
That I can understand. I must have read more into your post than was intended. For that, I apologize. If the newbie is a jerk than screw him or her.

I don't believe newbies should expect to get bashed as bad as they do in deathball. (unless they are jerks themselves).

The point of this thread was to inform people that former players are posting in other forums that the deathball community is unfriendly for newbies. Some potential players won't give deathball a try because of this. I only suggest that this community won't grow if the players who do try deathball find this to be true and it benifits everyone if this community does become larger.

Please except my apology for misunderstanding your post DiStUrbeD.

Posted: 18-07-2003 04:53
by DiStUrbeD
no problem man.

I play in NA, and i don't see a whole lot of newbie bashing, unless they totally ruin a game. Say (ex) you are on a volley only game, and a new player joins and scores without a volley, of course, once is tolerable. but then they do it again, and again and again....the newb bashing fest begins

I have never seen a player bash another player, for no reason (unless they are clan rivals, or whatnot)

is newb bashing a big thing in europe?