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If DB Wins....

Posted: 15-07-2003 04:28
by Fallen
If Deathball wins anything in the unreal contest, I'll give everyone a lollipop. :lol: Seriously, even though alot of people play the mod, not alot in NA, but I'm sure alot in the eu countries. My opinion, deathball has a slim chance to win, they are better (more fun) mods out there. I like marble mania, its fun. I like ren's map.

[23:23:pm] <02@[V3]Sin> i dont want deathball to win or david m will make us buy 1.9
[23:23:pm] <02@Imaginos|BuF> hahah
[23:23:pm] <02@Imaginos|BuF> that's funny
[23:24:pm] <02@[X3]Xelent> deathball doesnt have a chance in hell
[23:24:pm] <02@[X3]Xelent> if deathball doesnt finish close to last in the main categories ill be surprised

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Posted: 15-07-2003 04:47
by Surge
if DB wins anything it should be the "biggest waste of time" award and Nvidia should send them $5 and a T-shirt.

Posted: 15-07-2003 04:49
by YoYo789
then stop playing it and leave us alone!

Posted: 15-07-2003 05:04
by The_One
why are you here surge?

Posted: 15-07-2003 06:26
by fs|Pele
no one knows ......o0

Posted: 15-07-2003 07:43
by SpikeBall
Since i never played another real MOD for UT2003 I think DeathBall can win...

I consider Real Mods every mod that act like a full game, like Counter Strike on Half Life Engine, and Strike-Froce for UT engine.

If not, I consider it a simple mutator...

We have a lot of great projects for UT2k3 mods, but none is finished yet...

Posted: 15-07-2003 09:26
by XiLLeRaToR
troopers is gonna win:P
y'all know that:x
<chrisfu>y'all better recognise</chrisfu>

Posted: 15-07-2003 11:28
by DavidM
there is no reason why db would win, dont even consider it

Posted: 15-07-2003 11:39
by Requiem
but DB players should support it instead of complaining .....:rolleyes:

Posted: 15-07-2003 11:45
by f1end
Can we make a deal...

Surge...IF deathball wins...will u please just stop playing, stop visiting these forums, and just generally disapear?

Unlikely, I know, but i still like the odds... o_O

Posted: 15-07-2003 12:01
by DavidM
but then we'll never get rid of him :/

Posted: 15-07-2003 12:58
by YoYo789
How about if db doesn't win, surge leaves, and if db doesn't not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not win, surge leaves?

Posted: 15-07-2003 13:45
by DavidM
thats better indeed!

Posted: 15-07-2003 14:27
by Chrisfu
Chaos UT2 or Faceoff looks like its gonna win. Faceoff is quite an achievement considering one guy has done ALL of it.

Posted: 15-07-2003 14:44
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Meh but that's all been done before, and most of the other mods suck as much as ut2k3 itself (at least compaired to UT ^^;) so..db might have a chance? =/

I like marble mania tho \o/

ps: wasnt there some leet tetris2k3 mod? if that enters and beats deathball ill kill myself :rolleyes:

DavidM wrote: the judges will play it for max 30 minutes
they wont even know what a volley is[/b]
the judging is worthless

nevermind :rolleyes: i guess he's got a point :eek:
