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buggy 1.8 menus

Posted: 14-07-2003 11:18
by -plær-
Maybe it's just me, but anytime i quit a game, it drops back to the standard ut2k3 menu, and not the custom db one. Muchos annoyage. :(

Think I'll start going back to using the normal ut2 executable now. At least it doesnt the have the annoying startup ini menu thingamajig. :confused:

One more thing. "Bot support is not enabled. Do you still want to play?" Well, no, I *don't* want to play bots, I want to practice only my own...offline. Another reason to go back to non db menus.

All that said, annoying gameplay bugs seem to be gone. :D

Posted: 14-07-2003 11:23
by BL44T
ye got the same thing :x

Posted: 14-07-2003 11:37
by f1end
theres a db shortcut?????

Posted: 14-07-2003 12:43
by DavidM
you just make it sounds like its a new problem....its there since 1.3 or something

wondering when epic will fix that

Posted: 14-07-2003 14:26
by Cenotaph
this time he is right, yeah.
its Epic job to fix :)

Posted: 14-07-2003 14:30
by NaB
tried bots for the 1st time last night ROFL at the keepers. its pure hilarity.

Posted: 14-07-2003 17:42
by -plær-
DavidM wrote: you just make it sounds like its a new problem....its there since 1.3 or something.
It is a new prob. I'm used to the normal ut2003 serverbrowser when I get rejected from server, that's been there forever.

But now the entire menu system reverts to ut2 standard one any time I quit a game normally :mad:

Posted: 14-07-2003 20:20
by Tankazz
Yeah I get this too, not like the server browser bug from before, but back to the UT2k3 default menu. Annoying, but it still works.

Posted: 14-07-2003 22:20
by ßig ßaby
yepp, same here.
In recent versions it also drops to the UT2k3 Menu but first you had the opportunity to get back to the Db Menu and the Custom Tab for DB worked.
But this time, if I got the UT2k3 menu and want to connect to a server via the "normal" Ut2k3 browser it doesnt work, cause i get no querries. So I have to restart DB everytime when im disconnecting from a server. That´s pretty annoying!!

Posted: 15-07-2003 02:25
by Tankazz
Mine doesn't do that; I can still connect through the server browser, just boggling as to why this is now broken when it really wasn't before :confused:


Posted: 16-07-2003 01:48
by Beaver|Pì| one has a fix then?

Posted: 16-07-2003 06:26
by Savwa
This happens both ways for me as it doesn't matter which shortcut I use to start the game engine.

UT2K3 ---> DB Menus will start taking over and sometimes you can get back into the UT2k3 menus without having to reload.

DB ----> UT2K3 Menus will appear but the DB menus return if you use the BACK button. Sometimes UT2K3 menus stay permanently or until the game is reloaded.

It is particularly annoying when you can't get back to the menu screen you initially loaded and your logged in to IRC. IRC will tell you that your login name is already in use.

Posted: 16-07-2003 06:29
by InSaNe
It's buggy when there are more than 10 players for me..
