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faceoff > deathball

Posted: 13-07-2003 03:27
by mannyfresh027
just because davidm hates faceoff

he wont admit its a great mod

Posted: 13-07-2003 03:40
by Surge
i second this... Deathball = meat

Posted: 13-07-2003 03:41
by TEZC_Robban
Faceoff sure is alot of fun :)

Posted: 13-07-2003 04:00
by Scotteh
Agreed. Faceoff rox

Posted: 13-07-2003 07:40
by DiStUrbeD
faceoff sucks, it has horrible fps and the maps suck...

not to mention the guns don't have any animation to them.

Posted: 13-07-2003 08:32
by gutterflower
face off is nice and needs a lot of work but will never be better than DB itself, DB's gameplay is awesome, just the way people are using it at the moment is not

Posted: 13-07-2003 08:35
by RaGe*NL*
i havent downloaded it yet, but tell me
i get 20 fps on lowcube (not shocky) i get 10 fps on tribun (not shockY) , would i be able to play this game then? oO

OMG TACTICAL OPS Ripoff, :P i just looked at some pictures, i think i like it \o/ [edit]

Posted: 13-07-2003 09:38
by Diab
its a fun mod, like an arcade style counterstrike. its not going to stop me playing db though.

Posted: 13-07-2003 10:04
by DiStUrbeD
RaGe*NL* wrote: i havent downloaded it yet, but tell me
i get 20 fps on lowcube (not shocky) i get 10 fps on tribun (not shockY) , would i be able to play this game then? oO

OMG TACTICAL OPS Ripoff, :P i just looked at some pictures, i think i like it \o/ [edit]

i wouldn't try...i got 10 fps with all the settings down to low and nothing extra.

i get 40 fps on lowcube :p

Posted: 13-07-2003 10:05
by =KeX=Tank-Bird
me likes Face Off alot....going to make some maps for wont stop me playing DB (actually i prefer facoff) but if it gets bigger it maybe will stop me playing Tactical Ops.....Face Off plays like TO (at this time it was swat) 1.4 beta

Posted: 13-07-2003 10:09
by Rens2Sea
You can't compare Deathball with Faceoff, 2 completely different styles of gameplay.
But atm, i like Faceoff more then DB :p

Posted: 13-07-2003 10:29
by Diab
prob as its new rens.

i get like 15-20 fps on the large faceoff map, and about 30 on the other two. but i can still hit things :)

remember how i pwned you rens with the sniper/grenade combo :P

Posted: 13-07-2003 11:17
by RaGe*NL*
.. i like To but i wont try this oO

Posted: 13-07-2003 12:59
by DavidM
i dont admit faceoff is good because i hate it?

whatever, i just think the whole concept is boring and been done 100 times, nothing that would get me play this thing for more than 5 minutes
it doesnt even improve the things that have been done already

we need new creative things not 1000 rip offs!

Posted: 13-07-2003 13:10
by YoYo789
tennis > db > all else.
but tennis is new so in two weeks i'll prolly say
db> tennis > all else.
