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Deathball in Unreal2 MP-addon?

Posted: 10-07-2003 14:19
by MelvinB

What about Deathball in Unreal2? It's clear that Unreal2 will get a FREE downloadable MP add-on.
(somewhere in this thread: ... did=304763)

IMO, Deathball in Unreal2 will looks much more better then in UT2003. Better lightning+shadows and stuff.

Only problem is perhaps the playermodels, but who cares.

Posted: 10-07-2003 14:28
by DavidM
sorry, but that is some mighty bullshit there

its the same engine, nothing will change visually :|

Posted: 10-07-2003 14:52
by =KeX=Tank-Bird will not look better...all what you see in unreal 2 is also possible in ut 2003...The u2 engine is an older build than ut 2003 by the way. The shadows and shit you see in Unreal 2 are all made with projectors which can also be made with ut 2003.

Posted: 10-07-2003 15:55
by DavidM
And to me U2 was butt ugly....but its all about level design and textures anyway :|

Posted: 10-07-2003 16:00
by f1end
Not true...yeah sure Bono was ugly, but the Edge ain't that bad o_O

Posted: 10-07-2003 16:07
by MelvinB
Man, the U2-engine is much more better then the one of UT2003.

Did you see the model/player-shadows in Unreal2? The shadows will be cast also on walls and stuff, it depends on the lightning.

If you ever played Unreal2, you know what i'm talking about.
I don't talk about about Projectors, i'm talking about he player-shadows and the Static Mesh-shadows.

Take a look a this pic and you see the shadow of the models will be cast everytime on a different way. On the pic, the lightsource is outside the ''pipe'' (sunlight) and the shadow of the models will be cast inside the pipe:

Static Meshes also cast much better en sharper shadows then in UT2003. In UT2003, it's mostly blurry and dark.

Really, Unreal2-engine is IMO much more better then the one of UT2003.

Posted: 10-07-2003 16:29
by fro
dont remember that scene ingame.

is it a render perhaps?

Posted: 10-07-2003 16:43
by Diab
well the u2 engine is the same, but its going to have its tweaks and edits somewhere. im sure a perfectly good modder could get u2 shadows in unreal 2 just by editing the light source or something.

Posted: 10-07-2003 16:45
by MelvinB
froste wrote: dont remember that scene ingame.

is it a render perhaps?

It's an ART-shot, but it's just like ingame. Can't find so quick a good shot of it. Shadowing is just the same as on that pic.

In Ut2003, the player cast a crappy shadow from above to the floor. It will not cast any shadows to walls and stuff. Only on the floor, no mather what the direction of the lightsource will be. Unreal2 has shadow-casts just like in Doom3. (not same technique ofcourse, but just the same way of casting shadows)

Posted: 10-07-2003 16:51
by Armagon
U2 isn't NEARLY as popular as UT2003 is. If you held a poll, you would probably find that the majority prefer UT2003 to U2. The gameplay in U2 sucked, mainly because the player movement was so slow. UT2003 was MEANT for multiplayer, so the engine is well-adapted for it. This is why DB is so perfect for it. I mean c'mon, who gives a toss over shadows?

Posted: 10-07-2003 17:41
by Diab
um unreal2003 can cast shadows on the wall, and when coded could stretch them to the right lighting direction, did you read what i said?

Posted: 10-07-2003 17:53
by DavidM
this shot is cheated
u2 looks nothing like that

its the same engine, it cant do anything more :|

Posted: 10-07-2003 19:14
by MelvinB
DavidM wrote: this shot is cheated
u2 looks nothing like that

its the same engine, it cant do anything more :|

OMFG! Ever played Unreal2? Man, man man....

This is just like ingame. :rolleyes:

Posted: 10-07-2003 19:40
by Catalyst88
1) DB is a well-established UT2003 mod now, U2 is not played nearly as much, and never will be in the case of MP :). DB for 2k4 will work, because it uses the same codebase ;)

2) Who cares about shadows? :)

3) It's the same engine, like dave said ;)

4) is an even number

Posted: 10-07-2003 19:54
by fs|Pele
shadows :/ like in doom3 :o maybe we should make deathball for doom 3 when that comes out :p