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Dribbles + Quadjump mut would be better...

Posted: 02-07-2003 20:03
by Jerkoff
than negative comments. i want to bring back the dribble. I used to love dribbling past defenders and still do it to the people who are clueless and run past me w/o hitting me (even tho theres no benefit :o). Surge has a good point about people acknowledging the quad as a more skill-based tactic and the making a name for yourself w/ dribbles and flashy moves (which, btw, volleywhores are doing now). He's giving criticism, but sometimes criticism isn't necessarily bad :D. You guys are making a good game regardless of what people are saying anyways, and you seem to take the ideas of all the gamers here too to help :).

Maybe in 1.8 (which im sure will kick ass) make a checkbox that makes the jump the old way (like banana, self-volleys, imho i think it's a viable gameplay option/change). And make a similar dribble checkbox too where the player's speed at release would be the same as the old way. (or make them muts, not checkboxes, whatever, im not familiar w/ coding or anything. :) )I'm sure with banana and all the volley's now, people would make some really spectacular plays which we wouldn't have thought of before (dribble to noobcannon against wall to skill based quad to volleh!). Make it so league games have the same rules pertaining jumping/dribbling as banana shots, etc... Or disallow them completely. people will like it either way.

I don't post here often, but i still play often, and i think that it's a good idea that both pleases the people who are new and the old-school DB'ers who would like to see how they can do in the new game with newly acquired skills plus the old-school skills. I'm thinking that the changes would be small in file size terms, but a nice change in gameplay.

DavidM, i'm sure you guys took these out because people were abusing them (opposite with the quadjump, it was hard to learn), but now that you have the gameplay (almost?) as you intended, it could be a little extra treat for the people who've been playing the game long enought to remember those things. Your game, even with all it's percepted imperfections in the early versions, got people addicted, and most of the people playing now, i think, started getting addicted playing it with all those 'bugs' in the game. And we liked it.

You get a lot of undeserved criticism sometimes for something so simple. He who giveth, can taketh away~. You guys gave us DB, and we appreciate that. Now imagine if 1.3 had banana, and you took it out with no checkbox/mut to turn it on in the next version. Of course people will be angry, because numerous people perfected and/or learned some tricks with it. I know dribble was a bug (was it?), but i'm not asking for a hammer-bug checkbox either, lol. I'm just trying to speak about this eye-to-eye from gamer to gamer. Everyone here enjoys games, and everyone likes games with extra stuff :D. Everyone likes easter eggs/secrets, and everyone likes more options in games. What would gran turismo be without the car-tuning. GTA3 without all the extra cars, secrets, etc... That's all. Thanks for a great game. Sometimes people like it the old way too tho, even thought what you felt was right was missing. (who wouldn't have loved the 1960's? Loose hippy chicks everywhere! actually i take that back, lol. i hate hippies :) ).
:spammer: :lol: :ban: :ban:

I posted this in another topic i wasn't sure anyone would check, lol. Sry if i pissed anyone off because of this.

Re: Dribbles + Quadjump mut would be better...

Posted: 02-07-2003 20:39
by Axl
Jerkoff wrote: I posted this in another topic i wasn't sure anyone would check, lol. Sry if i pissed anyone off because of this.

dont think half the people on this forum will read it all tbh.. more than 1 sentence aint good here :rolleyes:

Posted: 02-07-2003 20:49
by FireCell
yep too long for me, i dont have time to read that much even though it will only take a few mins.

Posted: 02-07-2003 20:58
by Jerkoff
lol, in that case.


And for ppl who don't like caps:

DavidM, Please put the dribble and quadjump in as selectable options in the game. It will stop a lot of "1.3 had dribbling and hard quadjump, we took them out for a reason, n00bs suck but can quadjump now, americans suck, canadians suck, euros suck, japanese suck, blablabla"

God people get out of the house more and learn to read a little better! Or gain the patience to sit and read. I know UT builds them 'twitch-reflexes', but daaaaaammmn. i guess if some people skim thru it, then it not a total waste. :( :D :p :D :p

If people want to see these changes, post here! Just an agree-disagree will do. You bitches. lol

Posted: 02-07-2003 21:04
by Jerkoff
I, for one, would like them. ;)

Posted: 03-07-2003 07:02
by RaGe*NL*
i for 2, would like them :d

Posted: 03-07-2003 07:16
by vF_Zonk

dribbling does nothing except defeat the purpose of going slow with the ball IMO

quad jump is fine either way

Posted: 03-07-2003 08:29
by DiStUrbeD
I dont really care anymore, i just want people to stop fucking complaining about everything

Posted: 03-07-2003 14:26
by Chick-kun
my opinion (ok i didnt read your post but its prolly similar)

option to choose the way deathball works

option to choose how long you can return to normal speed after shooting ball < 30%
option to choose delay for self volleys n stuff

you get the picture

would be much more interesting :)

just mainly options to choose delays n stuff
not volley power and shot power etc ;o

Posted: 03-07-2003 17:50
by theberkin8or
dribbling does nothing except defeat the purpose of going slow with the ball IMO

did you play when dribbling was in the game? cuz the only time that it helped you is when you had already beaten the D (or if you were really good or the d really bad to beat the d).

an idea maybe we could have the actuall slow down be a little more realistic(ie not so much), try and compare how fast a defender in soccer can close in on a equally fast O player, and you will see it isn't nearly as fast as you can in db, maybe this value needs to be played with. and actually you could bring back dribbling but make it slower to the amount that you descide is best (as dribbling was a skill, not just a given)

Posted: 03-07-2003 18:01
by DavidM
15 % would love dribbling back, 85% would be whining if it came back
so what do I do? 0_o

Posted: 03-07-2003 18:03
by Dazlin
make a game rule/option so a server can configure it....

Posted: 03-07-2003 20:35
by Astroboy
Since 95% of people play in private matches anyway, they'll set the rules however they please.

Course, people who play on pubs would be forced to play the way the pubs play, but meh.

Posted: 03-07-2003 23:01
by theberkin8or
DavidM wrote: 15 % would love dribbling back, 85% would be whining if it came back
so what do I do? 0_o

lower the speed of dribbling to something like 90 % speed and ppl wouldn't mind as much and those that did would get over it ;)

Posted: 03-07-2003 23:11
by The_One
why not add back dribbling but make it slower than when you are carrying the ball.
or is that pointless? ^^