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what i just dont udnerstand

Posted: 02-07-2003 04:11
by frostymoss
in every version of db you change what isn't broken.

A game can be easily compared to a tv show. With every season there may be the minor cast addition/subtraction, the themes/plots are minorly changed if at all. And the scenes are usually the same. Yet i see DB, 1.3b was loved, 1.4 was hated, 1.4b was more like 1.3 it was liked. Then 1.5 you changed a lot of the stuff and it wasnt really liked, 1.6 the same again. Now 1.7 you change almost EVERYTHING and noone really loves it.

If youd ont want db to die, go back to 1.3b or 1.4b and make the needed changes. Stop making all this new crap and taking it away the next version or so. This mod changes every version. Really when you release a new version of db, now its like a new game each time. And if you havnt noticed the population of DB has lost at least half of its players. There used to be a ton of NA clans. now there are what, 7?, which 3 of will probably die in the next monthes.

Posted: 02-07-2003 04:25
by The_One
there is only one thing you can really say to that...

Posted: 02-07-2003 05:43
by Armagon
lol, seven clans is still better than four. That's how many we have here in Australia.

Posted: 02-07-2003 06:55
by Surge
at one time we had like 20 active clans though Armagon...

Posted: 02-07-2003 08:21
by vF_Zonk
just like we once had 9 (aust)

Posted: 02-07-2003 08:42
by SkaTallica
I think they're focusing waaaay too much on gameplay... They should be focusing on visuals more IMO, making some new character models, more original maps :rolleyes: (*cough cough* something that isn't a big box)... and should definitely get the community more involved, content polls, mapping/modelling contests, w/e. minor tweaks, of course, but not these huge changes where they take out stuff that made the game more unpredictable and challenging. "He's prolly gonna volley... UHHT! WAIT! He might also bounce it off the roof, volley it into the corner, catch it, pass to his teamie, do a lil tango with his grandmother, catch the passback, n00b cannon it into the back wall, then catch it and run in for a TD!... o wait.. \o/ I forgot, this is 1.7! silly moi, he can't do any of that now :D" ( AND TD COUNTS AS A FRIGGIN VOLLEY BTW! >:-O )... but nooooo... we wouldn't a challenge for the SUPER-KEEP, with his lightning speed, quad jump, and dodging abilities!
welp, that's my 2/100ths of a dollar

Posted: 02-07-2003 09:07
by [V3]Sin
Just fix tha damn bugs already and add fast dribbling again kthx whos NEXT!!!

Posted: 02-07-2003 09:10
by Surge
Sins losing his touch.. that actually made sence if you remove the "kthx whos NEXT!!!"

Posted: 02-07-2003 09:27
by [V3]Sin
Stop blaming epic and fix tha god damn bugs you fucking coders add a new bug every version kthx whos NEXT!!!:O

Posted: 02-07-2003 10:14
by DavidM
oh smart v3 members all the time :|

Posted: 02-07-2003 13:39
by Catalyst88
No-one loves it eh? :) How about someone starts a poll... oddly enough one person's view does not equal everyone's :P. Plus you'd rather have a nice-looking game than one which is fun to play... pfft...

Posted: 02-07-2003 14:30
by drifter

< loves it.

It is getting visually better, I believe they are making these changes and listening to the community. Wouldn't you agree that gameplay initially needs smoothing out before it looks like a rolls royce? - a nice balance I believe.

Posted: 02-07-2003 14:46
by hiausd
The 1.7 games have been the best games I've played for a while. There's no way you could have left db in the state of 1.6. Horrible game.

Posted: 02-07-2003 14:53
by Inphidel
I love this new version, but i do agree it needs more original map ideas that are not just a big box with goals. being this is a computer game, we have alot of potenial and not much is being used. atleast maps like Icedeamon add a little somthing to the game play. its harder to play keep thats for sure. and bouncing the ball around the boards behind the net etc. same with the pool table map. the ball on the table provide some erratic behavior which is much needed.

cube can be so boring and everything sorta happens in a predictible way and then it all comes down to how good the goalie is and how fast defense gets back...

Posted: 02-07-2003 19:57
by SkaTallica
<b>Plus you'd rather have a nice-looking game than one which is fun to play... pfft... - Catalyst88</b>

I meant that i thought they'd already done a great job w/ the gameplay and didn't really need much changing. But they're still trying to "improve" something that was near-perfect to begin with, and should shift their focus now.