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Posted: 01-07-2003 14:00
by Robotojon
i really like this map, the idea, game play , everything, but i really think it would be so0o0o0o0o0o0o much better without the balls on the pitch.

Yes they add something new, but so do the edges of the pitch. I think this would be brilliant for a clan game, no wall passing, no wall to catch stray balls (apart from the little lip of the cushin), means you got to keep the ball tighter.

I realise that a lot of ball resets would stop the continuity of the play, but thats exactly what i think needs encouraging \o/

anyway, some of my loose change for you :)

Posted: 01-07-2003 14:21
by Axl
a few of the things u talk about have been fixed.. DavidM used an older version of GB in the 1.7 install :(

Posted: 01-07-2003 15:31
by RevBillyG
There was always the balls tho :)
Originally my plan was to have them as Karma objects so you could push them outta your way with the cannon (even went as far as getting a new cannon script done) alas Karma refuses to work online :/

Getting rid of the balls is easy. Forcing everyone to download 2 versions of the same map is not so easy especially considering the file size of the map :/

Posted: 01-07-2003 16:33
by drifter
billyg you can do it, we love you \o/

last one to the bar via the skeleton & bar stools gets the drinks in :D

Posted: 08-07-2003 14:11
by f1end
boostable balls would rock :/

Posted: 08-07-2003 18:00
by DavidM
billy used INSANE polycounts for the balls
so another reason to remove them

karma balls would never work, performance wise

Posted: 08-07-2003 22:38
by Surge
static meshes allow for "INSANE polycounts" and they dont affect the playability of the map... just make it a bigger download :\

Posted: 08-07-2003 22:47
by DavidM
oh dude, please just don't say anything if you dont know what you are talking about :/

Posted: 11-07-2003 07:30
by Armagon
No, he's quite right DavidM. Static meshes have very little bearing on the performance of the game, unless you have a huge number of them visible at one time. If anything lags the performance on Greenbaize, its all those bottles behind the bar when you have the world detail up max. Every time I turn toward them my framerate drops by about 20-30. The reason for this though is simply because there are so many of them. Not that this bothers me a whole lot. Balls that could be pushed, that would rock.

Posted: 11-07-2003 13:55
by Tonnberry
Surge wrote: static meshes allow for "INSANE polycounts" and they dont affect the playability of the map... just make it a bigger download :\


Posted: 11-07-2003 19:17
by The_One
polygons still have to be rendered and lit, whether it's a static mesh or not.

Posted: 11-07-2003 21:05
by Surge
but they, unlike normal architecture, sit in your video cards memory buffer. They are basically pre-loaded with their lighting and texturign saved with them. They dont affect performance at all, loading the textures on them does though. Using low-res (DXT1) textures will make even high polycount statics fine...

Posted: 11-07-2003 23:53
by Tankazz
The biggest problem I have with this map (aside from the obvious gameply nuances, suchas getting to the bar, etc) is that all the pictures on the wall seem to have been sheeted onto the same uu as the brush behind it, causing it to not display correctly unless you're close to it or look at it at a weird angle. Anyone else have this problem?

Posted: 12-07-2003 09:53
by Armagon
No, I never noticed any such thing when I just checked it out. The biggest annoyance about the map though is that Mr.M used the older version, so the radar map isn't terribly useful. It doesn't even haev the penalty zones marked. :eek:

Posted: 12-07-2003 16:21
by The_One
ain't that the truth. :p