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Notpron 2

Posted: 08-12-2009 06:41
by Ak-01

Who`s up to do it?

Worldwide riddle. Community project.

David slap me pls.

Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 08-12-2009 08:01
by DavidM

Ps: these community-project-democracy ideas never work. They produce unhomogenous designs.

Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 08-12-2009 18:49
by Ak-01
Alright - lets make a dictate. U lead we obey.


Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 09-12-2009 17:36
by kpatterson
DavidM wrote:Psssh!

Ps: these community-project-democracy ideas never work. They produce unhomogenous designs.
I wonder if only nu-solvers were to try to put a Notpron 2 together. Although this would exclude me, I think it would be interesting as all of them have experienced the same concepts and many of their "riddle solving minds" are thinking the same way. Good luck trying to get something going Ak-01, it'd sure be an adventure, let me know if you need any help. :)

Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 11-12-2009 02:03
by Ak-01
Personally, i think Nu is slightly out-of notpron and it concept is totally out of common known logic.

Now prepare - wall of text incoming:

Notpron is not only "level NU". Notpron is not people "who solved level NU" It is about countless forums, where people share and talking to each other hinting and trying to figure out something vague dark and mysterious. Notpron is evenings when you feel that you actually thinking about riddle, trying different approach and changing point of view. It is about that really inspiring feeling when you finally see that the answer was unexpected, but actually all the time right in front of you. Nothing else, that i saw (i mean riddles) was even close to notpron. Nothing was that creative as notpron and nothing was that much inspiring. I was all the way alone on my notpron way, and I`m really sorry that most of my friends didn`t made it further than lvl 16 max. But im sure there are alot of people who had really good time solving riddles in teamwork. Thats what i think of it.

Notpron is creation of professional designer. Notpron is not perfect but unique project. The only inperfection i see in it that i do not feel that it is finished. Tell me what will happen if David will dissapear tomorrow? Notpron deserves living and deserves to be alive. And i hope it deserves to be continued. I have no real scenario for notpron 2, but you know - you can improve anything. You can make bigger and better thing without repeating same stuff, if u put in enough time and effort in it. From my point of view - there is no point of making more harder riddles than there is, in terms of hardness theres a freaking 17 ppl done nu and 160 done mu, you see the stats - next level will be solved by david only.

I want to think different. And well a little bit outside the box. Not focus on the windows/internet but more on common knowlage and what you can learn on the internet. Im not telling me that notpron doesnt does it. But theres more - infinitely more knowlage that peaople can not only learn, but also a share. Smth like this "to solve this one you have to find some1 who speaks spanish, or live in certain place, e t.c.

Well i keep on repeating myself over and over again here. I feel like helping let it live, but if theres no David who could lead this up as he see it (if he does see it). Well than its just a dream.

Oh and democracy in community rly suck. Each person must have his role and do what he is good with.

Oh, David and before you start telling "I have no time atm, i got stuff to do" tell the truth - are you feel like doing it at all? U got your mind up to it ? Cuz if you don`t it is pointles even to try. But if u do have inspiration for it - than think about it like this - all you have to do is to log in on forums, check the latestprogress and tell "this is crap - rebuild pls" or "I`m okay with this, go ahead". Not very time consuming, I assume.

Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 11-12-2009 07:46
by DavidM
There are some things that are in (slow) progress, that might make it to daylight one day.
Can't tell much more.

But generally a new Notpron needs to be unique obviously. Not just keep on doing the same.

What's also been done is a notpron best of (kinda) which was submitted to the European Innovative Games Award (EIGA) and made 2nd place (it lost to a game that is not even a game yet, just screenshots...jerk jury... :P).
We'll see what will become of it. It's still to short, to release it (only 15 levels).

Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 11-12-2009 15:09
by Zaval
kpatterson wrote: I wonder if only nu-solvers were to try to put a Notpron 2 together.
It's impossible.Too many great ideas will ruin all project. But i have some ideas for a new levels

Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 11-12-2009 16:45
by Cowley
I think the magic of Notpron came to most of the riddlers because
of its concept: A picture and a piece of source code for each level.
I know a lot of people who do not understand how this concept can tie
you up with pleasure (and pain ;) ) for a very long period of time.
But all the people who made it up to the higher Greek levels without
cheating feel the same way: Notpron is unique. A totally different riddle
called Notpron 2 would not have this magic. So it needs a different name.
In my opinion it is possible to continue Notpron with fresh ideas from
the real riddlers submitted to DavidM - if he want it. The problem may be
dividing the incoming ideas from crap to part of Notpron, I assume.

Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 11-12-2009 17:44
by Ak-01
Okay David. Now we got you. YOu told us theres stuff going on. You told us theres slow progress (witch is possibility of being never released). Now you have no choice but to accept our help. Come on we made it fairly that far you can trust there will be no leaks to ppl like us ffs. And definetley sometimes fresh look makes something good even better.


Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 11-12-2009 17:50
by frkyjenn
Ak-01 wrote:Okay David. Now we got you. YOu told us theres stuff going on. You told us theres slow progress (witch is possibility of being never released). Now you have no choice but to accept our help. Come on we made it fairly that far you can trust there will be no leaks to ppl like us ffs. And definetley sometimes fresh look makes something good even better.

There is an old saying.. "To many cooks in the kitchen spoil the soup".

Personally I think David just needs to keep his kitchen stocked with the cooks he already has. :)

Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 12-12-2009 10:30
by Ak-01
I`m sure theres always a place for a couple of people in the kitchen.

And ffs - i ate all teh cookies! GIEF MEAT!

Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 12-12-2009 20:08
by DavidM
You can't enforce it.
If I bring on something new, it's gotta be new. Not just the same thing again.

And it sure won't be called "notpron 2". Come on.

Ditto @ Jenn.

Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 12-12-2009 23:36
by Ak-01
Ye David I`m not stupid, but Notpron is not the "name" its a concept. A flag. For me - notpron = riddle. If u making a riddle - i call it Notpron 2, as my understanding. And probably will be calling it like that as soon as it comes out. But name is not the point. What im trying to say that I am a human resource you can rely on if u making something. And this is not about mentioning my name somewhere, it is about being part of my interests, i got enough regalias to wear on my chest tbh. but my soul calls me for being creative and as far as i know - you are one of most creative preson i know, so instead of doing something on my own without proper expirience i prefere to collaborate. If u think im here to try and get some spoilers of whats coming on - thats not true (got proof). And I`m 100% sure that there are others who think just like I do.

Im just making an offer of my service.

Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 13-12-2009 16:11
by Shenmue
David: What's that about a "Notpron Best of"? Have you taken your 15 favorite Notpron levels and added them together? Actually, I would find it interesting to know which levels you are most proud of. : )

As for a Notpron 2. As much as I loved Notpron I think I'm done with riddling forever more, so I'm not sure I would start playing it. If it's something new and unique, yeah, i might test it, if it's just the same ... well, we already have 140 levels, it's more than enough.

Re: Notpron 2

Posted: 14-12-2009 09:15
by DavidM
Thank you Ak,
I'll think of you if I'm in need of a service like the one you want to provide.

I'm not publishing it yet.
The thing is, I went through notpron and realised 80% of the levels are rubbish.
Plus they contain too much information that's useless.
So I'm concentrating on levels that are really cool, not too weird, much fairer and limit everything to the minimum.
I don't know what I've been thinking back then.
I don't feel well about people still playing this rubbish :D
Since it's only 15 converted levels it's not worth putting it up yet.

We've been (and still are) hoping to get some financial support, a sponsor or something. Too bad they don't even mention the 2nd prize in the contest. The page just lists the first of all categories.