WTF is with the volleying in 1.7. 1.6 volleys with the quick volley, the person volley, and also the noobcannon are not encluded. This needs to be changed. Playing SC isn't the same anymore without this great part in it.
Body or Noob Volley is totally different in 1.7 in the way that it doesn't goes as fast as it did in 1.6 version. It was a good tactic to use and Ven0m from V3 used to do it so good that he could hit the top corner 80% of the time.
ven0m is very sad, he's angry that the body volley is much slower now, that just gives him another reason to quit, and the body volley did no hard to anyone, so why change it? It's not nubish, it takes skill too...
I'll take a guess quick volley -- self wall volley. I guess Rabid forgot that theres a 1 sec latency on the volley. Maybe in 1.7b or 1.8 David, u can lower it.