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Polish DB Fansite

Posted: 11-03-2009 01:25
by Getherer
Well, I know it doesn't really have anything personally to do with you guys, cuz none of you is Polish, but I just like to announce that I have created Polish Deathball Fansite. I am trying to advertise DB around Polish forums to convince more players to join DB Community. If everything goes fine we even may open leagues again and DB would be eventually full.

I have asked DavidM to post a new News just to make sure that any Polish person eventually comes on this website could join Polish community. o/

I know you don't understand a thing and it doesn't really look good now, but this is just beginning so give me some time to collect few people...

Well we will see how it will work.
Wish me luck!

See ya!

Posted: 11-03-2009 10:35
by The_One
Good luck! :)

Posted: 11-03-2009 19:24
by Kak0
Nice initiative, I have a little suggestion though : change the font. I mean, black on black isn't really easy to read :D You may try to change the color of the message in gold or maybe lighten a little bit the background ;)

Good luck for this website, I plan to learn polish in some months so maybe i' ll try to read it :D

Posted: 11-03-2009 20:26
by Multensor
haha. good thing that is says DB in the header beacause i can't make anything out of that language :P

Posted: 11-03-2009 20:46
by Getherer
Kak0 wrote: Nice initiative, I have a little suggestion though : change the font. I mean, black on black isn't really easy to read :D You may try to change the color of the message in gold or maybe lighten a little bit the background ;)

Hmm, golden font is actually quite good idea, i will check it out, what about if I make it white and make it bold?

Posted: 15-03-2009 12:18
by Kak0
Well maybe you should make some tries. Writing a news in different fonts and making a survey to see which one the visitors prefer would be a good idea.

Anyway the font you have now is quite readable (even if I think you should try golden font once :P )