cY.13 'all' star team

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Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

Should nameless and J-Force play in the all star team from cY?

Yes, off courz they became champs with cY.13
No, they are lame cuz they left cY.13
Total votes: 48

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Post by Cenotaph »

Y does cY.13 bring so many problems and discussions?
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Post by 1234Bedlam »

its a love hate thing :)
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Post by drifter »


/me throws a bag of peanuts in the air and runs for cover… (trying not to tread on any toes)

I just want to play db as part of a team damnit... and have fun at that! - no I wasn't in the "champions" team for the season they made themselves champions, however, I see the point, about the "allstar" meaning behind these games and it might be fun for each of the teams to play each other too…

Anyway, I had better just ride this out and let the people who deserve a say sort it out, in the meanwhile I'll be >over>there>>in>the>net>>o/
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Post by ThaGiMiC »

Well I have to say im quite disapointed. No offence to the new guys, cant ever remember seeing u 2 play?? dont doubt that u own tho =) GL with cY13

I expected to be up against the league's best in the allstar tourny but now 2 of best cY13 players have left, doesnt look like it will be the case =(. Also the best sweeper in DB (NaB) wont be here so its a pretty pointless Allstar game.

Since this isnt really a cY13 game, its more of "The Team which won the league" <- that being Goldy, DM, J-F, Anthrax and Nameless I think =o

Either way I vote that they do play, as they are such a big asset to any team.

Please remove me from the Div1 Allstar team, as I dont believe the tourny wont be as good as it should be. 1 Game and thats vs cY13, or so im hearing, point?

All teams play cY13 wont tell you which the 'best team' is, it will only tell you which team 'can beat cY13'.
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Post by FeEdiKo »

I'm not mentioned anywehere... i'm very disapointed. :confused: :spammer:
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Post by J-Force »

indeed fee every1 forgetting you. you played 3.5 match so you were part of the team as well, without you we wouldn't have made it either.

for me own sake i'd like to refer to a post i made in the comments system when the times were first anouced:
so who will be playing for 13?

will it be:
nameless - j-force - anthrax - davidm - goldeneye (sub: feediko): the team that won the dbl
drifter - afflictor - anthrax - davidm - goldeneye (sub: feediko): the current 13 team

enlighten us about it david
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Post by DavidM »

i think we should cry a bit more and bring it up again, honestly! :D
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Post by GoldenGun »

imo I should have played.

gg betrayers.
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Post by Dubloon »

hmm when i played this game i was a clan whore..... and a macro/bind kid and a high pitched 12/13 yearold. I was everything that i despise these days :(

After going through puberty and stuff and finishing my GCSE's (the most depressing shit thing ever ever revise revise etc.) i now relise how annoying and howmuch of a cock i must have been (how did you put up with me? :().

What version was it when all this bullshit arguing was going on?

1.4? noobcannon still around?

Anyway GET MORE old members back please!!! I should make a list or something of all the people we need to get back! ;)
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Post by DavidM »

dubloon? are we supposed to know you?
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Post by Dubloon »

DavidM wrote: dubloon? are we supposed to know you?

Its me Dazlin, i was un able to get my password back for my hotmail, there for un able to get my password for the forums :(

also see - ... genumber=2