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what to do when the season stops for radiok9? O_O suggestion

Posted: 10-06-2003 14:56
by RaGe*NL*
Anyway the topic kinda self explains, the season is kinda over and what should we at radiok9 do? i promised to sing a song tonight but we dont have alot of idea's , ofcrouse there is music and fizzy asked us to do Tennismatch Broadcasting, plz some suggestions here o/

Posted: 10-06-2003 14:58
by Chrisfu
I say you play erotic audio novels.

Posted: 10-06-2003 14:59
by RaGe*NL*
w00h00, im trying to make a porn jingle ;)

Posted: 10-06-2003 15:00
by fro
needs more mime

Posted: 10-06-2003 15:02
by RaGe*NL*
real suggestions plz :/

Posted: 10-06-2003 15:02
by Rens2Sea
Tennismatch broadcasts :D:D
Would be boring imo :\
Maybe not :p

Posted: 10-06-2003 15:03
by RaGe*NL*
guess it would be boring, :/ but gimme some suggestions

Posted: 10-06-2003 15:05
by Chrisfu
Just branch into CTF broadcasts, it's definately do-able, if you did it in a formula one style, commentating on certain areas or players at a time.

Might work well.

Posted: 10-06-2003 15:06
by RaGe*NL*
yeah thought about that, but its kinda for the DB community, what DB player wanna hear a ctf match? :/

Posted: 10-06-2003 15:06
by Rens2Sea
You could do DB clanbase matches or idd CTF like chrisfuckyou said \o/

Posted: 10-06-2003 15:28
by Diab
What about broadcasting some friendlys? im sure some teams would play a friendly tonight and so on. try and get big clan teams so more will want to hear. when exactly does the new league begin?

Posted: 10-06-2003 16:13
by Morning*Star
when will the second season start anyway?

Posted: 10-06-2003 16:16
by gutterflower
I say you play erotic audio novels.

panda refused to play mine last night

Posted: 10-06-2003 16:51
by Robotojon
yeah, clanbase games, freindlies, etc, all good for tying us over till the next round. Dont be disheartened by this minor setback, you've got a great face for radio Rage, so stick with it :)

Posted: 10-06-2003 17:33
by Dazlin
you could all listen to more of my 1337 singing \o/