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Posted: 08-06-2003 23:32
by DavidM
Does anyone mind when we remove it?
Nobody playing it anyway, just a waste of space, so I planed to remove it for 1.7.

Posted: 08-06-2003 23:33
by L33FY
Aww...I really wanted a proper scrim on sediment. or atleast a real match on it. :(

Posted: 09-06-2003 00:02
by NaB
get rid of it and fast.

Posted: 09-06-2003 00:04
by Chrisfu
Thanks for that. It's very pretty, just a dog to play.

Posted: 09-06-2003 00:06
by DavidM
I don't even find it pretty, the lighting and textures....ugh :/
lehmi can do way better than that!

Posted: 09-06-2003 00:16
by Surge
Sediment was a good idea but the map was impossible to play because of its different heights.

Is Lehmi re-designed the level to have a maily flat play surface it would be a great map.

Posted: 09-06-2003 00:19
by DavidM
he's doing the tennis map first, then he wanna do another db map (but show me the concept first and playtest this time)

Posted: 09-06-2003 00:22
by Surge
ya, Sediment is pretty cool but would be very time consuming to make the meshes for :\

Posted: 09-06-2003 01:30
by Rens2Sea
We once had a friendly war vs ZBN on sendiment :D
Was great fun!!!!!!!!1111111111oneone1111111one11111111 :D:D:D LMAO :D:p:D\o/

Posted: 09-06-2003 05:59
by YoYo789
mm... sediment can be good fun, but only 5-10% of the time at most.

Posted: 09-06-2003 09:59
by R3L!K
it wasnt the height thing that pissed me off. In fact that was a good thing as it prevented long passes, and kept the play very tight.

What pissed me off was getting stuck on those stupid floor meshes. A smooth walking surface is much better.

Posted: 09-06-2003 10:45
by Samur
kick it out

Posted: 09-06-2003 10:49
by FireCell
Its fun but tbh its a waste of space as no one plays it.

Posted: 09-06-2003 11:09
by DaJero
Yes you can remove it, if you ask me.

Posted: 09-06-2003 12:08
by Onge
I've never once had a good game on Sediment...I even deleted the map from my hard-disc as I've got no intention of ever playing it again...