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Early Christmas Wishes

Posted: 19-12-2007 17:15
by BunnyS
Well the time has come !

I probably won't be around nearer the time so I'm saying it now :

Merry Christmas all :)

Hope santa brings all you wished for :P

And happy new year to all \o/

Posted: 19-12-2007 18:18
by Renoo
YAYYYYY CHRISTMAS!! Aww I'm too old for Santa to bring me presents this year. : ( Still, should be great!!

Posted: 19-12-2007 22:06
by The_One
Merry Christmas. :)

Posted: 20-12-2007 14:15
by beefsack
merry christmas all, im working in the morning but the boss gives me a giant ham and a bottle of scotch and i finish midday so its not so bad :D

Posted: 21-12-2007 21:36
by Neroje
Thx Bunny' :)

Happy Holidays everyone!

Posted: 21-12-2007 23:00
by Messy
Merry Christmas everyone :)

..I wonder how many of us are left here.

Posted: 22-12-2007 12:45
by slimshady
merry christmas guys \o

Posted: 25-12-2007 02:33
by JarO
Merry Chistmas all \o/

Posted: 30-12-2007 18:52
by RaGe|DB
merry christmas and a happy newyear in advance

Posted: 15-01-2008 14:12
by mephistophel
mwahaha what an amazing holiday.

Posted: 20-03-2008 16:24
by Messy
Shev killed the thread!

Posted: 03-04-2008 18:17
by BL44T
Messy re-killed it.

Posted: 25-04-2008 23:47
by Messy

Posted: 27-04-2008 13:14
by Orney
Marry Christmas Bun o/