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3v3 league canceled? no wai! 3v3 continues!

Posted: 26-05-2007 18:50
by siLVer
OMG Deathball dies!

Thats exactly what Maxy,Kermet and Titanium found out after 4 years of playing. so they decided to quit db, and to quit the league.
Nice Admins tbh, but you don't have to cry.

Phezz,siLw and riCo, who are particularly loved in the deathball community, decided to continue the league. \o/ \o/

<3 thats why: <3
1) we're much better admins than the old admins
2) we're much better players than the old admins
3) we aren't unable to keep a league running
4) we want to go on playing deathball with you guys
5) we're in pX, the best clan on the whole planet

But first of all, we want to ask you, whether you want to continue this league or not.
Tell us your opinion.

your lovely

*edit: if you've got any problems with your enemy, your mother or yourself, just ask riCo. He's the official premier problem-manager of the management-bureau \o/

Posted: 26-05-2007 19:50
by cY|riCo
pX stays in the league! :p

Posted: 26-05-2007 19:52
by siLVer
and the other pX team too

Posted: 26-05-2007 21:44
by Adversary
My first thoughts...
who is siLVer, and is he on drugs or something ?

2nd... oh they cancelled the league well w/e

Posted: 27-05-2007 13:33
by DoMmeh``
if pow keeps on playin, they'll have to play without me

sry guys <3

Posted: 27-05-2007 16:53
by priior
not enough posing leads to such problems.

Posted: 27-05-2007 22:22
by DavidM
oh, i thought it was e-penis related. gg doctor prii.

Posted: 28-05-2007 13:52
by BunnyS
Mine is bigger than yours ¬_¬

Posted: 28-05-2007 17:24
by Catalyst
And you still won't let me cup your balls? =(

Posted: 28-05-2007 17:52
by DavidM
show me

Posted: 28-05-2007 20:00
by BunnyS
I would show you but it would make you weep. being so big and all.....or something

Cata anytime ;) lol

(p.s obv I don't have a penis )

Posted: 28-05-2007 23:11
by DI
Actually...I find Bunny's comment even more serious than the whole thread.

Anyway, I told that before and I'll tell it again for those who cares. I don't care about a league, I don't care about owning at deathball, I don't care who is the best player, I don't care why you canceled the league, I don't care about being an op if you don't accept me as op ( just say it, I'll listen to the majority of you all).
I care about having fun, killing some time and playing with nice ppl. I can't blame ppl leaving, I'd be the 1st if I had something better to do on week. And I hope ,at least, someone of you will agree with me.

Only a league won't keep a community alive! We need players...More players

Posted: 29-05-2007 17:37
by phezz
ty for your interesting <3

Posted: 29-05-2007 17:56
by Ker]v[et
:blabla: @DI

you care bout fun? league can be fun
you care bout db? b/c u say we need more players.
but did you noticed that we cant get more players with that stupid 10year-betatesting around?

sometimes i dont get you DI /o\

i cared to much about db, but some imporant db-ppl doesnt seems to. (no, not only Mr. M)

Posted: 29-05-2007 20:15
by DI
Ker]v[et wrote: :blabla: @DI

you care bout fun? league can be fun
you care bout db? b/c u say we need more players.
but did you noticed that we cant get more players with that stupid 10year-betatesting around?
League can be fun. But I'm not obsessed by it and, as you noticed, you can't stick enough players together 'cause this' a poor community. I can have fun anyway, playing 3on3 or, way better than it, 5on5.

About the 10year-betatesting, I can't blame you at all but also I can't blame Mr M. If I put in his shoes, I 'd give up with coding db at all. Since he wastes his time and ideas on something that won't pay him back anymore ( and I'm still wondering why he works on it). I know, all those versions don't help the community to grow up ( like many other things, which don't depend on Mr. M but on all of us ).
