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Newbie Questions

Posted: 22-05-2003 20:52
by nico_80
Hello, I d/l the mod last night, and installed it, along with the 1.7 updates. I like it, but I am have some issues with somethings.

1. I don't get a score board in the hud.

2. I am having difficulty scoring, against bots with skill level at novice.

3. What is radar, and how do I use it?

4. Any other tips you can give me on playing the game would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

[edit] I neglected to mention that whenever I try to connect to a server, I get a message saying that there was a differnece in death ball version. I installed the updates, the .u file to system folder, .utx to texture folder, and .ut2 to the maps folder. If I did anything incorrectly please let me know.

Posted: 22-05-2003 21:14
by Morning*Star
The current version is 1.6 so the 1.7 files are not needed, they are just files for the 1.7 beta which hasn't been fully released yet.

Posted: 22-05-2003 21:29
by nico_80
Okay thanks. I'll reinstall death ball then.

Posted: 22-05-2003 21:31
by gnomeh
if you hold in fire, you can charge :O
dont overcharge tho :)

Posted: 22-05-2003 22:52
by nico_80
Thanks for your help. I just played an online game, and that really opened my eyes. I noticed that their are alot of similarities to other sports. The players were sorta in formations, and knew certain angles, like a soccor player would. As I played I realized the complexity of the game, and became more of a spectator than a player, because of the skill. Anyway I learned alittle from that experience. Now know how to volley, and pass. I also got the hud and radar up on screen.

This is one great game and I love it. Also, I would like to ask the newbies if someone could host a server for us. I can't beacause I have a firewall that will not allow access to me, but I can connect to you.

thank you

Posted: 22-05-2003 23:16
by cajuncook
Yeah, playing online for the first time is an aweing experience. Just wait until you get stuck playing keeper. You'll pick up skill relatively fast, but at first you're going to think you're about half the size you need to be. ;)

Once you learn how to play defense, you can play offense twice as well (in my opinion), because the defenders you'll be going up against are probably half the skill you are as a defender, so you know where they're going to be and what they're going to look for.

If you want to go to an empty non-locked TrainingCourt (if there is such a thing!) one time, let me know. I'm not a vet, but I'm not new, so you can take shots on me or whatever, and I can give you pointers, etc.

Posted: 22-05-2003 23:37
by gnomeh
i noobie who understand that u might have to spec a few rounds to learn to play...
/me huggles

thank you for not being a complete idiot like all the other db nubcakes :)

Posted: 22-05-2003 23:45
by nico_80
Hey cajuncook, when are you usually available. I would like to take you up on your offer, but I don't want to be bothersome at the same time. BTW, thanks for the offer.:D

[edit] gnomeh are you refering to me. If so, my dad always told me to pay attention, then use what you learned to your advantage. But I still need learning.

Posted: 22-05-2003 23:54
by GazMaN
nico, u english?
and do you have irc?

if so drop into #dba.db @quakenet and weel have a chat! :)

Posted: 23-05-2003 00:08
by cajuncook
I'm available whenever. If you're ever on IRC, I'm on EFnet (#nintendo, #vt) and Quakenet (#deathball). Now that I've graduated, I'll definately have some time to play whenever. It's probably more conveinent for you to tell me what times are good, because I'm willing to bet my schedule will be more open than yours for the next week or two.

Posted: 23-05-2003 00:13
by nico_80
Gazman, I speak english, I live in the US. I do have aim, yahoo, and msn messenger. I have aprogram called trillian, it has irc, but I haven't figured it out as of yet.

Cajuncook, I usually play at night time. I live in California. Between 8-10.

Posted: 23-05-2003 00:15
by cajuncook
Okay, whenever you're ready, just message me on AIM then (cajuncook155), and I'll point you to a server where we can play.

As I'm on the East Coast, this might actually prove to be more difficult. I usually do things at night. Oh well, we can see what works out. And Trillian is cool. :D

Posted: 23-05-2003 05:20
by DavidM
I wish all n00bs were that smart :)

Posted: 23-05-2003 07:31
by Alars
speaking of smarting up n00bs and reducing the learning curve for db, go to my idea: ... genumber=4

its the 10th and 18th post


Posted: 23-05-2003 09:54
by FAT('.')BOY
trillian irc client works ok'ish. its what i use.

best way to find a channel is go to the connection manager and choose a new irc connection
add a server on the network your interested in, dont seem to matter which server o the network u use
right click the irc icon on contact list and choose Toggle Status Window to see that it connected right
then use normal irc commands to join or there is a join channel button somehwere