Important - Deathball 3on3 League

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Important - Deathball 3on3 League

Post by DoMmeh`` »

Hey ballers,
as you all know db is a great game but unfortunately has a lack of activity.
To change this we thought about organising a Deathball 3on3 league which might develop to a bigger one by promoting it enough.

People might now think "blahblah 3on3 league won't ever start blah..." replying on that i can say that we have already 6 teams registered.

more about our motivation and about the league and stuff can be read here:

if you have more questions or want to take part in the league but unfortunately have no team, join #ab-league (quakenet) in IRC. we are looking forward to every player joining the league.
a list of freelancer will follow where you might find members for a team, then just give it a name and you're in!

or just contact Me, Kerm, Maxy or Tita.

give it a try, won't hurt you in any way ;)

<3 GreEtZ: Domi, Maxy, Tita, Kerm
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Post by BunnyS »

fun times \o/
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Post by Dreadski »

hey ho,

i like this idea and iam looking forward for it. I hope we'll have much fun and i'm sure we will.

Good luck to all of us. :p
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Post by Adversary »

perhaps post something in the league section soon also...
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Post by DoMmeh`` »

I think its time to explain the "lining" rule.

Its not a bad thing if people are running around in their own pbox and instead of taking cover of their opponent saving a shot for the keep on the line. this is ok and no problem and we wont be likle "OMfG LinING BAN OUT OF ELAGUE ARGH !!"

lining means standing on your goalline with 3 of 3 teammembers and all blocking the shots. its not like we are about to whine at every little thing for example with the timeplay rule, that some1 takes his time for a pass. its not a bad thing either. There is a clear difference between doing things like "lining" or "timeplay" on purpose and doing it accidentaly or just for savin a lil shot. Tita will spectate all the games or 1 of the other admins like kerm me and maxy and a human being can decide wether this is on purpose or not. you know this is true, just dont spread worries which arent true. the league isnt meant to be "overcontrolled" or something, just give it a try you can talk to us everytime while the league is going then!!!

and, to kill the rumor, the rules arent meant to keep Poo away from the league, we even asked david to play in our league. he doenst want to play because he thinks the rules are crap. ok. so what ? klex said he might form a team with sam and maybe another one.
and btw, the lining and the timeplay rule were invented by Tita and ME!!
kerm didnt make any of the rules besides the fairnesspoints.

calm down and dont try to kill the baby before its born ^ <3
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Post by priior »

why not start a 5v5 league so the noobs learn how to pass? :)
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Post by DavidM »

Well... (haw haw...rico'd you)


-All teams expect POO were already added before the site was announced. Just one of many obvious indicators we are not really wanted.

-Lining is nothing that can be abused, it just requires thinking, concentration
and teamwork. I know what I'm talking about, because I am balancing this stuff and I am using and playing against line, and I see how vulnerable it is. Dommeh and Tita made it up? Well, never saw either of you using it or playing properly against it. Sorry!
So it's basically, sorry, you being less advanced and trying to get others down to yourself, so you don't need to work so hard. Sorry, it has to be said.
A few players know how to beat it...ask Lec, Hook, Rico, Flex. Against them we don't even line, because we just invite them to score by doing so.

We've been owned horribly bad plenty times, when we were lining. It's just a know how thing, then line is very very useless.
Also lining all the time makes you pretty weak, because it makes it even easier to abuse as you are predictable. Variation wins.

-Well just keep those distractions out of here, it's too obvious to deny it.
Also no reason to be sooo afraid of us. Against the good teams we not always winning, and if we win its stuff like 20:18. It's just our image that makes it look like we are unbeatable, but it's bullshit. Only thing we can insure is that we are never easy to beat.

Ok, but we all agree that we will certainly not join a league that's so obviously just trying to make us worse.
Maxy even admited that.
Last edited by DavidM on 09-05-2007 16:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DoMmeh`` »

its not true that all teams were announced besides poo oO
since we are 4 players out of 4 clans, we asked our teammates what they think and since px is like half of the community it may have made the impression you got. magnets for example were added later 2.
and its not like we want you to be kept out of the league fuck sake. i dont even think that you would be 1st >_>

and , surely besides my own egoistic winning thoughts, trying to beat poo with bär and nekked and cata, I just proposed this idea and people agreed with me because i thought it is a fun killer and no fun while playin = league dead cause of frustration or something :/

we can think about erasing the "lining" rule since poo is the only team using it to show its not to keep away poo from the league.
we thoght of it as a "decision of the folks" but if it doesnt affect players like you say, prove me wrong and its gone. if we win a team for our league by erasing lining, its worth a thought.

fühl dich nicht immer so angegriffen eh wir versuchen nur n bisschen leben in die bude zu hauchen, entschuldige wenn du dich dadurch attackiert/ausgegrenzt und wieder "allegegendavid" gefühlt hast !
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Post by DavidM »

-So the point basically seems to be, that you dont want to WORK for a win against us. Can't help that...we work hard and have a deserved advantage. A rule like this is to take a deserved advantage away, because you are too lazy. Isn't it?

-All teams being added? Might be. When I was first shown the league page, ALL TEAMS that are in now were already added, and this forum thread appeared later.

-Ya, 1st place isn't reserved for us, but only hard working teams can beat us.

-Without such a rule we are in (only we are a bit short on players atm....Sam and I are always ready to play just Klex never has time and all the others are currently totally not available (Messy, Fire)

-As for timeplay the balancing of Deathball is indeed a bit critical, but I've set the default keeperholdtime to 4 seconds a few versions ago, which makes timeplay too risky. So basically pressure the enemy and he will be force to release the ball. Tricks to still do timeplay are very risky, so nothing to complain about imo.

Deathball can be played the way it is, without limitations, at least that's my job to insure!
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Post by Adversary »

DavidM wrote:
-All teams expect POO were already added before the site was announced. Just one of many obvious indicators we are not really wanted.

nah... i don't even really want to play a league (stressed this already) but regardless i'll support peoples efforts. If u'll notice "magnets" was an unconfirmed team, and remains so, even though me and devilkid have now said we will play

anyway, i think we shud coin a new term instead of "lining" because i think some confusion stems from this...

but basically, the general jist of things as i see them, is that POO uses a defensive system where the keeper dodges out against shots etc. and as Davey pointed out doesn't use it against smart attackers... your so called "lining" ?

The leagues rule as i see it, simply aims to tell players not to all sit back in their goal and "block the play"
DavidM wrote:
A few players know how to beat it...ask Lec, Hook, Rico, Flex. Against them we don't even line, because we just invite them to score by doing so.

You mean the keeper dodge out right ? cus i remember a game we played POO vs Me, mutts and Lec, where both teams all defended deep in our own goals (and ended with a classic winning posing timeplay by myself - a classic match and goals were in double figures for both teams)...
From what i can gather the league does not wish to play these types of games but welcomes us all to play in a different style (POO included)
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Post by DoMmeh`` »

as already explained, we'll think about taking the lining rule away if that gains us 1 team for the league =)

the rest is only arguing again, no matter whos right or wrong.

lets see what we can do^
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Post by BunnyS »

Yeah finally you're talking to each other about it and not bitching to me, about sodding time

that's all I have to say, as for the rest I couldn't care less ... I will play once team is found and have fun, the rest of the drama and shit I will leave to the people who do care.
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Post by priior »

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Post by Fragger »

So box defense isn't cool anymore?
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Post by The_One »

Chrisfu will be turning in his grave.