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'We want Panda'

Posted: 21-05-2003 13:35
by -Camel-
I just thought i'd open up a little thread here to voice my disaproval at the firing of Panda and the attempted take over of MOTD. I have proof that requiem, loyal member of the MOTD was secretly asked by DavidM to abandon us and run MOTD at DBL.

(Bk|Requiem) now, they ask me to lead motd for dbl :s
(Panda|ZBN) dont do it req, we aren't finishing MOTD, we are just moving to a new site
(Bk|Requiem) ok^^

To this i say DavidM u are dispicable. But to b fair i'm gonna give the community a chance to voice their opinions.
I ask u DB players this simple question, Should Panda have been kicked out 4 producin quality work and doing wat sum might consider a service to the community?

Posted: 21-05-2003 13:39
by [123/4]Flak
PFF!!! as the topic would suggest....WE WANT PANDA WE WANT PANDA...they better listen.....*Flak loads his shotgun*:devil:

Re: 'We want Panda'

Posted: 21-05-2003 14:20
by Panda
Camel{FCU} wrote: Should Panda have been kicked out 4 producin quality work and doing wat sum might consider a service to the community?

Well from what I can see I was kicked for knowing too much actually....

Thanks again for your support guys :)

Posted: 21-05-2003 14:30
by Diab
motd was fine, panda caused no problems with it o_o

Posted: 21-05-2003 14:32
by Requiem
I had to say something

I wasn't ask secretely to lead MOTD for DBL, it was during a match, and everyone on the chan report could have seen it (dbl 1 reporter)

For MOTD, don't really know what happen, seems that Panda and DavidM didn't agree on some points....well shit happens, it's a shame cause it's a good idea....

oh well, maybe we could find a solution that everybody agree, no need flamming...

My idea....hum if it's impossible to see the come back of panda, maybe panda could lead MOTD project with his new website and ask someone do be a reporter for the dbl....the 2 can work together ;)

just an idea, think about it if u understand my bloody english :lol:

Posted: 21-05-2003 14:34
by Panda
MOTD is carrying on in case there are any doubts. I'm gonna set up a competition for the design of the new site at some point.

P.S. Hopefully Req and Cam are stayin with me

Posted: 21-05-2003 14:55
by Cenotaph
MOTD sux \o/

Posted: 21-05-2003 15:10
by DavidM
it's just that we wanna have the reports and stuff on the league news, not on some other page....people cannot be arsed to go there...way to user unfriendly to spread it over several pages

panda just said he wanna do it on another page and we said "good luck, then we are getting a new reporter team for our own page"....
wasn't much more than this

some people obviously made it look way too harsh 0_o

Posted: 21-05-2003 15:45
by Rens2Sea
/me hugs panda

Posted: 21-05-2003 15:47
by Panda
Pfff, David makes it sound so innocent :rolleyes:


Posted: 21-05-2003 15:58
by DavidM
you still pretend that there is something special about this....but there isnt 0_o
its just match reports, interviews...whatever
just the normal procedure, nothing you invented

Posted: 21-05-2003 16:10
by Panda
If there was nothing special about it then why would Bazzi delete the extract from the IRC log of you saying you would be stealing MOTD?

Posted: 21-05-2003 16:11
by DavidM
there is nothing to steal 0_o
got a copyright on match reports and interviews yet?

Posted: 21-05-2003 16:13
by Panda
No but I'm working on it ;)

Posted: 21-05-2003 16:19
by -Camel-
tally so far:
