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New Member Post - Stuff I'd like to see in Deathball

Posted: 18-05-2003 23:29
by Lambo
General Idea's to improve the gameplay for DB, aimed at beginners because it's so hard.

Assumptions:- Based on personal experience.

1 - All text messages are ignored by nOOb's as they don't see them because the gameplay is so fast and disorientating.

2 - Better players but not great players are arse's and don't offer up any advice to newbies, in fact a hard time is generally dished out.


1 - Training mode on 1.7 sounds good, an enhancement I would like to see is a pause option after a goal. Perhaps have a box which comes up on all players for the same side allowing messages and advice to be posted, so the nOOb's get a chance to read and digest.

2 - A different camera angle for the keeper. If possible, enable a wider viewpoint as I find it real tricky to keep track of the volley's, often losing sight.

3 - In training mode, give the option to turn off jumping so nOOb's can get the hang of pass and move first.

That's it !! Any other views would be great. I'd like to see a lot more friendliness on the pitch and the better players posting help and advice to the weaker ones instead of insults and criticisms.

Cheers, let's have fun. :p

Posted: 19-05-2003 00:11
by gnomeh
first part:
#2 gives u the reason to #1 :)

2nd part:
1) i think davidm said he would do it (but thats coming from him)
2) psshh...current camera angle is fine. Move ur mouse up and down, works wonders. If u still having problems, increase ur pov or wahtever
3) wtf...jumping is a great skill for passing if done right

Posted: 19-05-2003 06:55
by Lambo
Points taken thanks. What I am simply saying is though, to get new players involved and hooked , have the ability to turn off most of the options (in training mode)and make it so simple they won't be disorientated so easily.

Posted: 19-05-2003 07:15
by Surge
you learn by playing, not by analysing the game and playing a "n00b version" :rolleyes:

Re: New Member Post - Stuff I'd like to see in Deathball

Posted: 19-05-2003 13:13
by [RoV]WolfMan
Originally posted by Lambo
2 - Better players but not great players are arse's and don't offer up any advice to newbies, in fact a hard time is generally dished out.

2 - A different camera angle for the keeper. If possible, enable a wider viewpoint as I find it real tricky to keep track of the volley's, often losing sight.

1st thing: yay it´s been discussed in lots of threads already.... most of those good players wanted to help but they gave up as most n00bs didnt take their advice... but there are ppl who dont want to help... they are asses but not everyone..!

2nd: has also been discussed some time ago.... do you mean 3rd person view? <- that´s not possible cuz of the walls behing the net in most maps...