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Volley Latency

Posted: 17-05-2003 18:24
by Fallen
I have not really spent much time testing out 1.7b, but I was reading the changes to the new version. I don't know if the current values I'm using haven't been changed, or have been raised to lowered.

Self Volley Latency: 1 sec

The reason behind this is too remove the n00b cannon, but one second also takes away more of the individual aspects of the game itself and becomes more of a team game. I know that most of you like the word team, and there's no "I" in the word, but sometimes, if one of your strikers is hot in a match, they tend to hog and score just for the good of the team so they can win. If this latency is only thought upon to remove the n00b cannon, we should adjust the time to be lower. I'm not sure the exact time frame of the n00b cannon meaning, wats the fastest possible time to get it off, and wat is the longest time u can drop it infront of u before getting it off at a good speed while having it still in your possesion.

*Note* -- This may have come up before in a previous thread, reply to say if it has, no flames, I haven't been around the forums lately to check up on the latest changes to the mod. Thus, I don't know if any discussion has been made. I just want to make sure this new version won't alienate more players as the previous 2 versions have, resulting in more people losing interest in the mod.

Ex -- Surge :p

Posted: 17-05-2003 18:41
by gnomeh
I have had no problems with the noob cannon, and think its a perfectly legit move (altho cheap). I actually think its quite easy to save, so I think it be better to just take out the time limit and leave the noob cannon in instead of having 1 second in a hindering some of the players from doing their best.

Posted: 17-05-2003 19:56
by [V3]Sin
take out noob cannon and dont listen to these nubcakes KTHX

Posted: 17-05-2003 21:10
by Surge
Whats the big deal about the n00b cannon anyways? its pretty easy to save from outside the pbox and the path is pretty predictable.

Gnome is a keeper, he doesnt mind it. Thats gotta say something if hes not crying.

If you want to take out anything take out that bullshit dribble prevention crap. That will rid us of the n00b cannon and allow us to dribble again, --BUT-- if a slight pivkup delay is added just to 30% and below shots (say .3 seconds) it will be still really hard to dribble the old "bunny hop" way.

Posted: 17-05-2003 21:17
by gnomeh
surge's idea = win
as long as it works like he says :)

Posted: 17-05-2003 23:52
by Diab
the fact its as powerfull as a volley and extremely n00b easy to pull off its gotta be removed.

Posted: 18-05-2003 04:48
by Surge
so why was sprint added? holding shift is WAY more noob than both boosting and dribbling.

Posted: 18-05-2003 04:56
by YoYo789
um, isn't the point that you could not sprint before, but you could volley before. Sprint was a new functionality that you could not do before, they just chose to implement it n00b-ly. But getting rid of n00b cannon, ppl can still volley.

Posted: 18-05-2003 05:01
by Surge
but when we got sprint (which no servers use in NA) we lost dribble and gained the n00b cannon.

Look at it this way:
Get rid of something no one uses and get rid of something every one abuses.

We gained absolutly nothing good from taking out dribble and since 1.5 has come out I'v played an older version with dribble and you really dont use it that often. I just use it to get up field faster and if possible jump over people that arnt suspecting it.

Posted: 18-05-2003 08:15
by [RoV]WolfMan
i dont mind if n00b cannon gets removed... but again if lose the ball cuz of a pass in the wrong moment or something i cant hit my opponent immediatly with a latency of 1 sec..... i think it was pretty funny in the first 1.7beta to give the enemy the ball in the own pbox and kill him right after... :D

Posted: 18-05-2003 08:32
by YoYo789
we use sprint, it's great fun. Adds a whole new level, and doesn't have any easiness or n00bness to it.

btw i'm in australia and we tend to accept innovation a bit more than u NA's (i know, blatant stereotype)

Posted: 18-05-2003 13:47
by Alars

Posted: 21-05-2003 23:11
by CorDawg
The n00b cannon, was hated by back then because it was overly used but nowadays i barely ever see it, and it is useful when use right, i would vote for no latency if there was a vote.

Posted: 21-05-2003 23:17
by BlackFlame
mmm well i know a player who thinks he s gods gift to db and the only way he scores is through n00b cannon

ill give you a hint, they have just left B2JO and it is not LYNX

Posted: 22-05-2003 07:18
by L33FY
Shinta. Hhrrh