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Pickup Moved

Posted: 18-12-2006 00:35
by `Ghost`
Why move it. Because DavidM can be opped in there - end of story
Once again looking for control over people, and with Goldeneye on his coding team what an opportunity to get rid of Cata and gain power again.

Disappointed in Goldeneye for agreeing to this for one,
Not surprised at DavidM.

There was nothing wrong with pickups being in #dbpickup.
If op activity was a problem, -all- that was needed was to inform Catalyst or who ever owns the channel. Not that ops are needed lately.

In DavidM's eyes, what was wrong with pickups being in dbpickup? The fact he wasnt op.
Now he can kick ban players for not turning up to pickups within 30 seconds, and he can keep players that he dislikes out of the channel the moment they stand out against him.

edit: Where was the community input to this decision?

Posted: 18-12-2006 00:55
by Ker]v[et

Posted: 18-12-2006 01:30
by `Ghost`
Yeah I'm expecting that from the new ops aswell

Posted: 18-12-2006 02:04
by Ker]v[et
hey I am operator in a irc channel, reason enough to not talk to me anymore!

(had to make that stuipd reply..)

Posted: 18-12-2006 02:24
by `Ghost`
Said nothing about not talking to you O_o

My point was, I'm not expecting the new ops to agree that the pickup channel had to be changed :)

Posted: 18-12-2006 02:31
by Ker]v[et
you are to often not around, very often. Ops dont did theire jobs well in the old chan. And no other operators were searched for. See how much operators the "new" channel has. And that are pretty active one's. That and the fact that I could change things about wrong behaviour there, made me agree to this. Why is it so wrong - you seem very much against this.. or is it about something else in fact?

Posted: 18-12-2006 02:33
by DI
I'm not here to flame blame etc.
I think he decided to move it to #deathball due to some reasons we should discuss about. There are lot of problems with #dbpickup.

1) It aint moderated, and even when it is, rules are not applied the way it has to be.
2) Asking Catalyst would be a good idea, but imo asking other players also by starting a pool would be way better. Cata aint db, he 's just a part of it,like everyone of us.
3) I got oped, and I'm not here to discuss the why etc. If u don't like that, there's nothing you can do. But as I said to DavidM, if the most of the active players don't accept it, I'll refused to be opped again.
4) It doesn't depend on DavidM only: all decisions (banning,kicking etc) are taken together. Don't expect to be banned if DavidM dont like you or the way you play. Expect to be banned if you add to a pickup and make others wait 10 or more mins, or if you screw a match by keeping on flaming, stopping to play etc. Rules apply also to operators.

There's no need to get upset... I have no reasons to hate you, and I'm not here to defend DavidM for sure. Cu man.

Posted: 18-12-2006 02:45
by `Ghost`
Then I'd suggest a rules list is written up FOR the players or ops will be making up rules as they go along/find something they dont like. How do players keep to rules if they have no idea what the rules are. (That would be their counter argument, no doubt)

dbpickup had been the pickup channel for how long? Actually you know what, delete this thread. I've finally had enough of db and the community.

Posted: 18-12-2006 03:04
by DI
I can't blame your decisions. I only see a dying community. The few filled pickups were most of the times screwed by someone cos of many reasons. We only want things to work better. And DavidM alone won't make the difference since there are many other ops. Being an op is a big responsibility. You know you will be welcome every time u wanna have some fun. This community has no need of childish attitude or personal wars against someone in particular, and U know who im speaking about. Peace.

Posted: 18-12-2006 03:30
by Shinobi
All I can say is: Cata for president.

Posted: 18-12-2006 03:30
by priior
all the action is onthe NA side anyways.

all euros play is 3v3

Posted: 18-12-2006 03:56
by The_One
There was some euro 5v5 action today. I was stunned.

Posted: 18-12-2006 04:02
by Adversary
I'm not really a long term veteran, which gives me a slightly different angle on things... As you probably know we do get new players to the game still. (You probably need to be around the pubbing scene more to notice. I can name many that have stuck around). Theres no reason why we can't intergrate some of the nicer players into irc, and having a well run channel with lots of ops helps.
`Ghost` wrote: or ops will be making up rules as they go along/find something they dont like. How do players keep to rules if they have no idea what the rules are.

This is why having lots of ops helps. The ops are there to inform people how to conduct themselves. It is not about handing out bans to anyone and everyone, but to make the most out of what remains of the community. Doing our best to make sure people are generally playing nicely.
dbpickup had been the pickup channel for how long? Actually you know what, delete this thread. I've finally had enough of db and the community.

then maybe it has become out dated. Maybe something like this should have been done already, to help the community :P

The new running of the channel will most likely help new players more. I have guided pubbing players to the channel, but its not the easiest thing to join into (I remember troubles myself when first joining... and i still can't use irc ;) ). Hopefully the new channel will address these issues much better...

ps. Oh and shinobi... u mean prime minister ;)

Posted: 18-12-2006 04:41
by mephistophel

the actual idea is a good one... it was just VERY sly. I agree with you mads, and it is like omg hello massive ego trip davidm...

it would've/would be/been easier to say to cata, it will help pickups/db if so and so was de-opped, and so and so was opped. not just davidm. but now im sure davidm will make up his own new rules..whereas the main rule before was respect.
For example, Kermet, great guy online, great player would most likely assess and punish correctly in the eyes of respect. when david was op, omg gtfi the server within 3 mins flat with him ticking his clock counting to himself...omg whos not here youre dead etc. I'm sure players like kermet, adversary, di could easily of been opped from cat. but no, davidm has obviously forced the pickup to #deathball seeing as goldenbum has the bots. davidm didnt need to be op, and the only thing this will cause is less players! because no NA will join more, if not the same amount that joined in dbpickup. i dont see why Euro's just join dbmixers, the moderating system/ops is good, i spend some of my leisure just reading the chan at night and the pings are good...even lec can be quality sometimes. ggdavidm.

adversary adversary adversary adversary adversary adversary adversary adversary adversary adversary adversary

Posted: 18-12-2006 10:52
by `Ghost`
Actually I disagree on the NA opping (or at least in the past, haven't visited recently). I got banned for adding D and standing by the ball spawn point. The keeper complained I wasnt defending, but looking at the position of everyone playing, I'd have been in a good position to support the attackers, a better position to collect a ball reset, and had plenty of space to be the furthest player back if the other team regained the ball. None of that was considered, all that was taken into account was the keeper's one moan and I got a week ban.

I'm sure the euros will agree NA lack creativity. At one point I got flamed for LMB curl passing from one wing to the other, over the top of people. Before the pass got screwed up with new ball physics etc. I'm also sure the NA community will argue they've changed ;o

I also agree with Shev's opinion towards who would be worthwhile opping in pickup. IF ONLY THEY'D ASKED CATA it would of happened. Kermet for definate, Adversary and DI -OK-. Others have proved why they shouldnt be op or have any sort of control over a pickup channel.

Sly was the exact word I was looking for to describe it all. Thats just what it was, sly. DavidM got an opportunity to regain control blah blah, leaped on it and here we are. Sly, but I'd only expect it from him. Just shameful Goldeneye agreed, only because he codes for db.