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Posted: 13-05-2003 17:36
by NaB
can this have its own section on the website?

I dont think the news section is the right place for it. ppl are gonna miss important updates if there are 2 motd things posted each day :o

Posted: 13-05-2003 17:59
by TEZC-Rage
yea... esp if you can't view more than 10 news posts at a time or the ones before the 10 on there

Posted: 13-05-2003 18:14
by Panda
I tried to tell 'em.... :rolleyes:

Posted: 13-05-2003 18:38
by ßig ßaby
although i think a notice about a new motd report will be posted in the news???

Posted: 13-05-2003 21:12
by Panda
Ideally we would have our own site but I'm not good at making websites and the only website I own is (not very appropriate for MOTD)

Posted: 14-05-2003 05:42
by DavidM
still missing that that the irc reporter channel will be announced too \o/
but panda only listens to 50% of what i say /o\

Posted: 14-05-2003 14:34
by Bazzi
Yeah and apparently less than 25% of what I say :(

Posted: 14-05-2003 15:38
by [RoV]WolfMan
kind of battle between the admins going on here...?
go guys, go! :D :) :D :p

Posted: 14-05-2003 16:58
by Panda
David, I do listen to everything you say, just occasionally I either catch it late or plain don't understand it!

And Bazzi - yes I know you said something about getting a site together

Posted: 16-05-2003 21:46
by -Camel-
[RoV]WolfMan wrote: kind of battle between the admins going on here...?
go guys, go! :D :) :D :p

Y would they have nethin to fight about, they run a nice little community where every1 is happy an no fights.

So i lied, sue me :)

Posted: 17-05-2003 17:10
by Panda
/me sues Camel