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some scoring ideas

Posted: 09-05-2003 20:07
by saur0n
i've been thinking about scoring in db and noticed some things i consider key to winning a game i think ought to be rewarded

1) Volley set diverting
in a VO game (and even in some reg games) half the time it's won and lost by a defenders ability to knock away a good volley set. I'm not sure exactly how the detection would work, maybe if the ball has hit one wall surface (shot by opposite team) and then the defender volleys it = +1 point

2) Boost assist
Good boosting is also key in a couple of ways that I think should be rewarded
- Boosting a team mate upfield who scores w/in next two passes
- Boosting a teammate so that they catch an enemy pass or loose ball
- Boosting an enemy to stop a pass reception or to interrupt a volley attempt

none of these are particulary big impressive moves but i think good play strategy should be awarded just as much as the hero stuff

interested to hear what you guys think...

Posted: 09-05-2003 20:30
by fro
1.7 onwards... = no points, only awards/indicators :)

Posted: 09-05-2003 22:53
by RaGe*NL*
i fucking want teh points! :(

Posted: 10-05-2003 02:17
by DaJero
RaGe*NL* wrote: i fucking want teh points! :(

and there fucking will be points! :) Even with the awards implented

Posted: 10-05-2003 04:45
by CurvE
Nice :) hurrah for 2COOL :)

Posted: 10-05-2003 14:33
by Panda
2COOL = 1337.5

Posted: 10-05-2003 16:08
by DaJero
Panda wrote: 2COOL = 1337.5

lol, I put it in my signature :)

Posted: 12-05-2003 12:53
by [RoV]WolfMan
@ topic:
i dont think its possible to code that...
its a quite nice idea but how should a computerprogramm know what is a good boost and what isnt... know what i mean?

Posted: 13-05-2003 09:35
by RaGe*NL*
yay x_X :spam:

Posted: 13-05-2003 12:22
by Tonnberry
RaGe*NL* you dont have to post in every single thread the last reply. 0_o

post counts mean nothing...

Posted: 13-05-2003 12:31
by RaGe*NL*
i know, but i wanted a pic of it :x