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Harry Potter parody

Posted: 09-09-2006 21:52
by Rens2Sea
Pretty old already, but stil well made and fun.

Posted: 10-09-2006 10:39
by Messy
lol :)

I hadn't seen it \o/ funny <3

Posted: 12-09-2006 03:19
by Noko
Yeah, french and saunders do this sort of thing every year.

They did lord of the rings, and before that, titanic (which was hilarious).

Posted: 12-09-2006 08:27
by `Ghost`
They're awesome xD

Posted: 12-09-2006 12:32
by BunnyS
French and Saunders <3

Posted: 12-09-2006 13:17
by priior
lol hadnt seen it.. loved it..

particularly the Ron and JKRowling interviews!